Page 30 of Sphinx

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He didn’t look scared at all. “I’m a guy, babe,” he remarked casually. “I know for a fact that Fox will always choose you, and he would have back then, too.”

“You can’t know that, Saxton,” I argued.

He leaned forward a bit. “Yes, I can,” he argued back. “As a man in love, I know exactly how Fox would choose.”

I ignored that because there really wasn’t any point in speculating about Fox’s feelings. “Well, my objective hasn’t changed, but…I think I have to rearrange a few…details.”

“You’re going to have to tell Fox the truth, babe,” he said. “I can’t see him…making it easy for you this time around.”

“No, I don’t suppose he will,” I agreed. “I just…I think I’m hitting an adrenaline crash, honestly.”

Saxton jerked his head towards my room. “Wanna go to sleep?”

I shook my head. “No,” I replied. “I still feel…cagey.”

“Well, we can drag Hastings out here and watch some scary movies if you want,” he offered.

“Actually, I think I’m going to go in, say hi to her, then take a shower and maybe hit a party,” I told him. “It depends on how I feel after the shower.” The room that I had at Saxton’s was legit my real bedroom. The furniture, bedding, and decorations were all mine. The closet and drawers were full of my clothes, and after making sure Hastings was okay with me having a room in her house, I hadn’t changed a damn thing.

“I think you’re making a mistake, but this wouldn’t be the first mistake that I’ve held your hand through,” he smirked.

“You think I should go back to Fox’s?”

“I think Fox Harrington is going to wake up alone in his bed and lose his fucking shit, Kincaid,” he said. “You need to remember that the guy has already lost you once. Do you honestly think he’s going to take your disappearing act well?”

“I didn’t disappear,” I grumbled like a scolded child.

“You most certainly did disappear,” he retorted. “However, I get it, babe. I do.” Letting me have my way, we spent a few more minutes of hugging it out before I went and said my hellos to Hastings.

Fully showered, changed, and recharged, I told the lovebirds goodbye, then made my way to the first party invite that had appeared on my phone this morning.

Despite Saxton’s subtle accusations, I wasn’t running from Fox. I wasn’t running from anything. I was regrouping, and I couldn’t do that in Fox Harrington’s bed. Granted, I couldn’t do that drunk at a Halloween party, either, but at least I could drink some of my stress away. It didn’t even bother me that I wasn’t dressed in a costume.

It wasn’t until I saw Laney Spinner dressed in a slutty nurse costume that I realized the true significance of this probably being a bad idea. My first instinct had been to rush her and beat the ever-lovin’ crap out of her, and it made total sense why the guys had chosen to stay at home with Hastings, Rylee, and Sutton. If running into Laney was making me feral, them running into August would have turned each one of them murderous.

Then I got to wondering if August was here. With Laney as his only ally in all this, it made sense to keep her close. She was still bitter about losing out on Stone, but if August still had misguided hopes of landing Rylee, maybe Laney still had some misguided hopes about Stone. None of us really knew.

However, before I could decide whether to beat the hell out of her just on principle or just continue getting drunk, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and I couldn’t decide if I was happy or upset about this new development.

Not even ten seconds later, I felt a delicious heat envelop my entire body, Fox’s warm breath hitting the side of my neck. “If you ever leave my bed like that again, I will chain you to it next, and you’ll be lucky if I let you out of it to even eat.”

“You’re getting awfully comfortable with threatening me, Fox,” I replied smoothly. “I’d be careful if I were you.”
