Page 91 of Damn Roommate

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He takes a step forward and I don’t move. He grabs the bottom of my T-shirt and pulls me to him, encircling my hips with his strong arms.

“I know you can handle your brother. And even if I want you to do it with me, I know it’s not a good idea. Edgar has a 50/50 chance of going mad, and if that happens, I don’t want you around. I don’t want you to suffer, by his words, his gestures or the situation in which we are going to put ourselves. I don’t want it to come back to you, or at least, as little as possible. So please, before you get your fangs out, let me do it. I’m taking care of it.”

He places a kiss on my nose, then moves down my cheek, my jaw, my neck, and stops on the bare skin that protrudes from the collar of my T-shirt. One of his fingers slides under the fabric and he opens it slightly.

“Do you start at ten too?”

“Yes,” I say with a hoarse voice.

His gaze flares up and I don’t have time to get on my tiptoes to put my mouth against his when he pulls me in his arms to throw me on the bed laughing.

The subject is closed.


“You what?”


I make a signal at them to be quiet, laughing, with a feeling of déjà vu. We’re sitting in the university cafeteria, talking about the only subject that has been bothering me for the past few days. The one I avoided telling them about for a while before the guilt ate me up to the point of needing to tell them. Especially knowing that in a while my brother will know too and that I will needalltheir support.

“No need to yell.”

“Sorry,” Paige exclaims. “But I thought I heard you were dating Nolan Jones. You know, the guy you’ve been in love with since you were a kid, who didn’t give a damn about you a year ago.”

“You heard right,” I laugh.

“Then I yell if I want! Holy. Shit!”

Her voice rises and I burst out laughing along with Carol.

“And this has been going on since the nightclub and you’re just telling us now?”

I shrug my shoulders, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. “I didn’t know how to tell you.”

“I still can’t believe it,” adds Carol. “Damn. We are talking about Nolan! I can’t believe it.”

“Did you really have sex in the backyard?”

I giggle like a kid, remembering that part of the evening very clearly. It was explosive, and my whole body remembers it. I purse my lips, feeling the blush rise to my cheeks, and as I’m about to tell the details, a hubbub makes us look up towards the entrance. The Terriers come is like a troop of muscles lined up, and my gaze plunges into the dark eyes of my boyfriend. His hair—still messy this morning—is pulled up awfully sexy on top of his head, and I squeeze my thighs. Nolan gives me a teasing smile, and a heat tingles in my belly, reverberating in the place that he manages to melt in a fraction of a second.

Without touching me.

Without speaking to me.

“Do you want a room?”

I jump when I hear the high-pitched voice of my best friend, who giggles.

“Seriously, after that you’re going to make me believe that your brother doesn’t know?”

I raise an eyebrow, cutting short this hot, silent exchange with Nolan to return my attention to the girls.

“The way you two look at each other is a dead giveaway you’re fucking,” says Paige.

“What are you talking about?” I laugh.

“That the look of a man who wants to undress you in front of everyone and take you wildly!”
