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"I was hoping you'd say that."

"Does this mean you'll make love to me tonight?"

He molded his lips to mine, holding them there for a moment that felt like a blissful eternity. Then he held my hand to his forehead, shut his eyes, and made those ghost-moan noises again. When he looked straight into my eyes, he murmured, "I foresee nudity, sweat, the scent and flavor of your cream, and multiple orgasms."

If anyone else had told me that, I would've laughed and walked away. But whenever Damian talked that way, I got wet and tingly between my thighs. And whenever he smiled at me in that sweetly understanding way, I got an ache in a different place altogether—in my heart. It was the best kind of pain. Maybe I was falling for him. Here, tonight, in his gypsy wagon, I suddenly realized I wouldn't mind if I did tumble head over heels for him.

No, I wouldn't mind at all.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Okay, so I lasted less than forty-eight hours before I crumbled and made love to Heidi again. I never claimed to be a bastion of willpower, did I? Besides, she seemed to be better and better every minute, dealing with her anxieties faster than I could've ever dreamed she might. Was it temporary? No, I didn't believe that. Heidi had suppressed her natural tendencies for months out of shame and fear, but now she was unleashing them one by one. It was real and permanent. I believed that.

My prediction for last night came true. And the wagon might've been rocking and rolling, which I hadn't foreseen with my bogus hand-on-the-forehead prediction. That might've been only a ploy to get her to touch me, not that I needed an excuse.

This morning, I woke up with Heidi sprawled on top of me, her cheek on my chest and her hair spilling over my skin. Gently, I brushed enough hair away so that I could see her face.

She was smiling in her sleep.

Yeah, my heart melted when I saw that. She looked so…at peace.

I lay there covered in Heidi for ten minutes before she finally roused, fluttering her lids and sighing. Her body writhed on top of mine as she tried to stretch, though she couldn't quite do it from that position.

She lifted her head to gaze at me with a dreamily satisfied smile. "Good morning."

"Any morning when I wake up with you is the best morning ever."

"For me too." She wriggled, and my already stiff dick twitched. "Ready for wake-up sex?"

"I'm always ready for you." I rolled us over onto our sides and skimmed my hand over her hip to her thigh. "Wish I could spend the day with you, but I'm on duty again."

"That's okay. I can entertain myself." She rolled onto her back to stretch her entire body, her arms above her head, and moaned. "You really do work hard, don't you? I watched you running here, there, and everywhere for hours yesterday."

"You watched me for hours? Sounds like stalking. Maybe I should lock you up in my private jail cell so I can interrogate you the Ludar way."

"Only if the Ludar way means lots and lots of sex. I wouldn't mind handcuffs."

"Sorry, I don't have any of those." But maybe I could order some online, the kind with padded cuffs designed for sexy playtime.

Heidi stared into space for a few seconds, then she pushed up onto her elbows. "Where was your family yesterday? I didn't see them at all."

"They went sightseeing. I gave them a map of all the best attractions in the area, including restaurants, so they could have the full tourist experience."

"Aren't they disappointed you didn't go with them?"

"Nah, they understand I have a job to do. Besides, they came for a surprise visit, which means I didn't have a chance to beg for time off. They get it." I sat up, allowing myself five seconds to admire her breasts before I got back to business. "My family will be hanging around the resort today, so you might have to submit to more of my mom's well-meaning, if misplaced, protective harassment."

"I like Monica. She's a tough cookie but with a soft center, like a caramel-filled sugar cookie."

"Sugar cookie?" I chuckled. "Let's not tell Mom you described her that way. She likes to think she's a force to be reckoned with."

"Oh, she is. But considering what my parents are like, Monica is a breath of fresh, cool air."

"Well, I hope you still feel that way after today."

She sat up and tickled my chin. "Relax, Damian. I'm not a basket case anymore."
