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"You never were one."

I grabbed my phone off the top step and checked the time. "Afraid we'll have to skip wake-up sex. I need to be at work in twenty minutes. Didn't realize I'd slept so late."

She kissed me. "You go on. I might relax in your bed for a while if that's okay."

"You can rub yourself all over my bed for as long as you want. I love having your scent all over me and my sheets."

"I'll make sure to cover this bed with me." She pulled the sheet up and rubbed it over her belly, then up to her breasts, massaging them with the soft fabric. "Have fun at work."

The last thing I wanted to do right now was to walk away from the beautiful, naked, horny woman in my bed, but I had to go. I'd never missed a day of work at any of my jobs. So I kissed Heidi and said, "Call me if you're still tangled up in my sheets at lunchtime. We can eat in bed."

"Even if I'm not still in your bed at lunch, we can eat here."

"It's a date. Now, I need to get dressed and go."

Heidi watched me while I climbed off the bed, found my clothes, and pulled them on. She kept rubbing the sheet over her belly and chest while licking her lips. Damn, she was the sexiest woman in the universe. So what if I'd never visited another planet? I knew without any doubt that not even the naughtiest alien sex kitten could've been hotter than Heidi Mackenzie.

I left her in the wagon, on my bed, naked and willing. And I went to work.

Yesterday had seemed like a blur, with one guest after another asking for my help. I must've run back and forth between the guest house and the caretaker's house two dozen times, not to mention all the trips to the daycare center on the opposite side of the guest house. Kids made so many messes, but that wasn't my job. I had to ferry stuff over there because the parents forgot their diaper bags, or they left the kid's medication in their room, or Mommy needed her Xanax. I only got one call like that. Mostly, I brought aspirin to those moms and dads. Considering how loud their kids loved to scream, for no reason I could see, I understood why their parents needed headache medicine.

Today turned out to be no less exhausting. Ollie and Mara were supposed to take a group of guests on a guided nature hike, but I got a call from Ollie not five minutes before the hike was scheduled to begin. The second I picked up the call, before I even said hello, Ollie started talking.

"Help," he moaned, doing a totally fake anguished voice. He added a sarcastic whimper at the end of his moan. "Mara just told me she can't co-lead the hike because Heidi's helping her with the wedding plans. You can't leave me alone with these old farts. They're crazy."

I'd forgotten the hike was a special event for seniors. And why was Heidi playing wedding planner for Mara?

"You love the fogies," I said. Since he'd used his sarcastic fake moan to make me feel sorry for him, I decided to use my sarcastic baby-talk voice to irritate him. "And they think you're the cutest wittle thing in the whole wide world. Sing a song for them, wittle Awee."

"Awee? What in the world is that supposed to mean?"

"It's your name in baby talk. Better get used to that kind of thing. I'm sure you'll have Mara knocked up any day now, if you haven't already."

"We're waiting until after the wedding and the honeymoon."

"Uh-huh. You know what they say about best-laid plans."

He snorted. "You are so not funny, man. Get out here and help me before the gray-hair brigade jumps on me like a horde of zombies."

"Why don't you get Val or Eve to help?"

"Val went into town to buy bathroom supplies. Man, these people use a lot of toilet paper. Anyway, Eve is busy teaching an arts-and-crafts class. I think it's how to make shit out of duct tape or something."

"Hey, don't knock duct-tape shit. I had a girlfriend who made me a wallet out of that stuff, and not only was it waterproof, but it lasted forever."

"I remember that wallet. The duct tape was rainbow-colored." Ollie sighed, sounding genuinely miserable. "Please lead this hike with me. I hate doing it alone, and we haven't had a chance to hang lately."

Yeah, we were both too busy with work and women.

"Okay, fine," I said. "I'll be your bodyguard."

I tucked my phone into my pocket and hurried to my room to swap my uniform sneakers for a pair of hiking boots and to grab my favorite baseball cap, then I headed out to the lawn. Ollie and the fogies were waiting there. My best friend was laughing at something one of the older guests had said. He slapped the guy on the arm and started talking while making big hand gestures.

Yeah, he looked stressed-out and desperate for help.

When Ollie saw me approaching, he grinned. "The D-Man is here! Let's get this party started."

"Party?" I said when I reached him. "I thought it was a nature hike and you were about to drop dead from stress if I didn't show up to lend a hand."
