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"Of course he was happier. Ollie was high as a kite." I leaned forward, my face a foot from his. "You were too."

"I'm sorry. Trust me, I'm regretting it now. And by the way, I knew it was a bad idea, but I did it anyway. For my friend."

"Mara was stressed too, but I didn't hand her a keg of beer."

"It's different for women. Guys don't do the whole heart-to-heart, let's-share-our-innermost-feelings bullshit."

"Well, at least you didn't hire a hooker." I shimmied closer. "What was Ollie so stressed about? I know why Mara's anxious, but what has Ollie got to be worried about?"

"He's scared he won't be a good father or husband. And he feels guilty for not knowing how to make Mara feel better."

"Do you know about her, um, condition?"

He stared at me for a moment. "Do you know?"


"So do I, if we're talking about the same thing."

We were both trying not to divulge a secret that we each thought the other knew, but we didn't want to betray a confidence from a friend. Mara told me, so Ollie must have told Damian. They'd been best friends since childhood.

"Mara's pregnant," I said. "That's what Ollie told you, right?"

Damian nodded.

I sighed. "She's got her hormones going crazy, but what's Ollie's excuse? He can't honestly believe he'll be a bad father. He'll be great at it."

"They'll both be great parents. We know that, but they're too anxious to realize it. They are getting married in five days."

"And they just found out they're having a baby. That is a lot of stress piled on them. Wish I could do more to help."

Damian raised a hand to cup my cheek. "You've done more than anybody to help Mara. Taking care of all the wedding details must've been a huge weight off her shoulders. You've done way more to help them than I have."

"Getting Ollie drunk might not have been the smartest idea ever, but you did it because you love your best friend."

"Ollie might be my best friend, but you're the best everything to me."

I wasn't sure that statement made sense, but I understood what he meant. If we hadn't said we loved each other last night, maybe I wouldn't have gotten it. But we had, and I did.

"You're my best everything too," I said, turning my face into his palm to kiss it.

He pulled his hand away and grimaced. "Need some water."

"Let's get you into bed first."

I helped him sit up, then hooked an arm around his waist while he laid his arm across my shoulders. We got him into bed without too much trouble, and I tucked him in.

"Be back in a few minutes," I said, kissing his forehead. "You rest. I'll bring water and some saltines."

"Thanks, baby. You're the best."

When I came back ten minutes later, he was still awake and sitting up. I'd brought him water but also a sports drink, for the electrolytes. He sipped that while I opened the box of saltines. I'd brought aspirin too, which he swallowed with the sports drink.

"Nibble on this," I said as I offered him a cracker.

After a few minutes of sipping and nibbling, he waved away any more. "My head's pounding. Think I need another nap."

"Lie on your back. I'll give you my patented headache relief massage."
