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"You patented it?"

"Not literally. I mean it's guaranteed to work."

He stretched out on his back, his head on the pillow.

I sat beside him, near his head, and began to massage his scalp with my fingertips.

"Mm," he moaned, "that feels so good."

For a few minutes, I massaged his scalp and his temples while humming softly. Then he drifted off, his lips curled up in the sweetest little smile. While he slept, I wandered outside to check on Mara and Ollie, but I ran into Eve first while she was exiting the guest house.

"Ollie's fine," she said when I reached her. "Mara is taking care of him, and she's not even upset about it."

"Mara's a lot stronger than even she knows."

"That's for sure. How's Damian?"

I couldn't help laughing a little. "Wishing he'd come up with a better plan to help Ollie relax."

Eve laughed a bit too. "Val thought it was a great idea. Men. They all think the answer to any problem is booze or sex."

"Good thing they have us to straighten them out, or they'd kill every brain cell they've got."

"So true." Eve tipped her head to the side like she was considering me. "Mara told me how you stepped up to take care of the wedding stuff. Sounds like you've done an amazing job in a short time."

"I owed Mara. After my stupid behavior when we first met."

"You aren't still feeling guilty about that, are you? We all understand what you were going through back then."

"No, I'm not feeling guilty." I shoved my hands into the pockets of my shorts. "But Mara has been such a good friend to me, and I want her to have the wedding of her dreams."

"She told me what you've done. The wedding will be perfect." Eve gave me that head-tipped look again. "Have you ever considered doing that sort of thing for a living?"

"I wanted to be an event coordinator, but my parents thought I should be a doctor. So I became a pharmacy technician instead. Thought that might make them happy, but it didn't."

"You're happy here, aren't you? We certainly love you."

"And I love all you guys too. I love this resort. It feels like home to me."

Damian felt like home too. Even when he got wasted.

Eve set her hands on her hips. "How would you like to become the event coordinator for Au Naturel Naturist Resort? You could do freelance jobs on the side too, like Mara does with the apartment complexes she owns."

For a moment, I could do nothing except stare at her. Had Eve just offered me my dream job? Yeah, she had.

"Are you serious?" I asked. "Because if you are, my answer is yes, yes, yes."

"The job is yours."

I shrieked and leaped up and down, grinning like an idiot. I even clapped my hands and did a little celebration dance.

All the naturists on the lawn turned to look this way, and every one of them smiled and cheered, though they had no idea why I was so happy. I recognized every face. These people were like family to me.

Maybe that's what Damian and Monica had both been trying to tell me. Family was what you made it, and my family was here—with a bunch of naked people.

I hugged Eve. "Thank you so much. This is my dream come true, and I won't let you down."

"Never for a second thought you might."
