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"No, I'm getting hot." She hooked a finger inside my waistband and tugged. "Fuck me, Damian."

"We're in a church. Isn't it a sin or something?"

"Do you care?"

I thought about the question for a few seconds, then wondered why the hell I was thinking about it. Heidi wanted sex. I was a guy, so of course, I wanted that too. My dick was firming up, so it wanted that for sure. But I still had this weird feeling that I shouldn't desecrate a sacred place or something like that.

Maybe falling in love had softened my naughty side, because I found myself easing Heidi away from my body. "I'll fuck you at the reception, okay? Not here in the church. It's Mara and Ollie's big day, after all."

"You'll do it at the reception? Promise?"

I couldn't help laughing. "You have my solemn word. I will drag you into the nearest closet and make you scream—at the reception."

Heidi took a big breath and let it out slowly. "Wow. Who knew a wedding could make me so horny?"

"Everybody reacts differently to big life events." I cradled her face in my hands and kissed the tip of her nose. "Let's go do our wedding jobs. Can't leave Ollie without a best man or Mara without a maid of honor."

"I love you so much, Damian."

Smirking, I slapped her ass. "I kinda like you too, Heidi."

We left the closet hand in hand but said goodbye in the vestibule so we could attend to our duties as maid of honor and best man. Since Ollie and Mara didn't have a flower girl or ring bearer, just the bridesmaids and groomsmen, Ollie led us guys into the chapel and straight to the altar where we would wait for the ladies to do their thing. First, the guests had to file in and take their seats, with Sylvester Norris as the usher. Yeah, he seemed kind of old for the job, but Sly was like family to all of us. He had a great time executing his duties, though he did more than show people to their seats. He told jokes and made a grand, sweeping gesture with his arm to let the guests know where to sit. He also said, in a booming voice, "Please be seated here. It has the best view in the house."

Yeah, every guest got the best view. Amazing, right?

Sly was full of it, but at least he was enjoying himself.

I let my gaze wander over the decorations that had transformed this simple chapel into a dream venue for a wedding. Heidi was responsible for all of it. Garlands of fresh greenery and daisies draped over the backs of the pews and around the edges of the altar, not to mention the doorways and the vestibule. The garlands didn't just have flowers and leafy stuff, though. I also saw sprays of baby's breath and sprigs of fern leaves. Heidi had gone all out. It was the perfect backdrop for the wedding of two naturists who worked at a rural nudist resort.

Once everyone had taken their seats, a violin began to play. The bridesmaids ambled down the aisle toward us with Heidi in front, all of them wearing pale-green dresses that had small daisies sewn onto the neckline. Heidi wore her hair up in a loose style that let tendrils hang down to kiss her cheeks. Eve followed Heidi to the altar. She looked pretty too, but not as beautiful as the maid of honor.

They took their places opposite us guys. I stood beside Ollie with Val Silva on my other side.

Any second, Mara would enter the chapel.

The violin music stopped, and for two seconds, we all waited in silence.

An organ began to play the wedding march.

Mara walked through the doors holding a bouquet of daisies and baby's breath, guided down the aisle by her dad. Peter Severins looked like he was fighting back tears, and when I glanced at where Sheryl Severins sat in the first pew, she was doing more than fighting back tears. They streamed down her cheeks. Ollie's mom sat right next to Sheryl, and she was crying too while the moms clasped each other's hands.

Mara looked like an angel in her flowing white dress and lacy veil that draped down her back and covered most of her hair, though it didn't cover her face. She smiled at Ollie with the most beautiful look of pure love on her face as she slowly approached the altar.

Would Heidi ever look at me that way? I glanced at her, and as if fate had inspired us both, she looked at me at the same time. Maybe I was gazing at her the way Mara had gazed at Ollie. I couldn't say for sure, but I felt a strangely good pressure in my chest and a gentle warmth that spread through me from head to toe.

Heidi blinked away tears, or tried to, and sniffled. She kept smiling at me almost the same way Mara had gazed at Ollie.

I hardly noticed the rest of the ceremony. Ollie and Mara said their vows, both of them crying, and promised to love and respect each other from this day forward. I watched them exchange rings. Why did I get choked up when they did that? I'd never been the sentimental type, but to see my best friend marrying the only woman he'd ever really loved, who loved him too… Okay, I got sentimental. I turned my head to the side and wiped my eyes so no one else would see.

Finally, the big moment came—the kiss.

Ollie cradled Mara's face in his hands and pressed his mouth to hers.

Cheers and clapping erupted inside the chapel, echoing off the high ceiling.

Ollie pulled Mara into his arms, still kissing her. They kept kissing for so long that somebody shouted, "Come on, Ollie, we want to eat. You can make out with Mara later."

Who shouted that? Sylvester, of course.
