Page 7 of Truth or Dare

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“Yay.” He leaped up and cheered. “Can I get extra sprinkles?”

“Sure thing, as long as I can share.” I grabbed the keys off the counter.

“No way! You ate it all last time.”

I laughed. He’d ordered a fudge sundae and managed three mouthfuls before declaring himself full.

“Okay, okay, come on,” I said. “The last one to my car is a rotten egg.”

* * *

Eli gripped my hand. “I feel sick.”

“You ate a lot of ice cream, buddy.”

“Too much,” he groaned as we walked along Main Street. “I don’t fink I can walk, Ev.”

“Come here.” I bent down and hoisted him up in my arms. He shrieked with delight, wrapping his chubby hands around my neck.

“It was a lot of ice cream, wasn’t it? Told you I could eats it all.”

“So you did.”

“Hey look, it’s Becca’s diner. Can we go say hi?”

My eyes landed on Shake ‘n’ Pass. I didn’t even know if she would be working, and it was wrong to use a child as leverage, but I’d take what I could get.

“Let’s go see if she’s there,” I said.

Eli leaned in and whispered something, and I smiled. Almost four and he already had the moves. He would break hearts when he was older.

“That sounds like a great idea. Come on.”

We stopped at the store a couple of buildings from the diner, and I let Eli choose since it was all part of his plan to get Becca to forgive me. When we reached the diner, he turned to me and said, “Me first. She’ll be happy then for when you say sorry again.”

I nodded and pushed the door open, letting him duck underneath my arm. Cindy’s head whipped up, and she frowned.

I held up my hands in surrender. “We come in peace.” My head flicked at Eli who was already looking around for Becca. “Is she here?”

Cindy grimaced, but when her eyes landed on Eli, they softened, and she smiled. “Becca, you have a table.”

The door separating the front and back of the diner swung open, and Becca’s gaze collided with mine, anger blazing in her eyes.


Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.



“Becca!”Eli squealed with delight, bouncing toward me carrying a bunch of bright pink roses. I focused on the child and not his brother who stood awkwardly across the diner.

“Well, this is a nice surprise.” I crouched down to his level. “Are these for me?”

He nodded eagerly, wearing a huge grin on his face. “Look they match.” He pointed from the flowers to my uniform.

“They sure do.” I took the flowers from him and brought them to my nose. “And they smell beautiful.”
