Page 54 of Unexpected Packages

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Chapter Eighteen


The day had been a whirlwind. In between training the class we had, Trevor and I were on the phone or going through emails about our upcoming trip. We were trying to get as much news as we could about the area and reaching out to contacts overseas who might have clearer intel.

After class, the two of us were back at the office with Jake and a few others going over logistics. He wasn’t kidding when he said that we’d be leaving right after classes; in fact, he was going to come over and take over the last two hours of the course so that we could catch our flight.

That meant I needed to get my bags packed tonight and bring them with me. I also needed to call Nica and Annie and give them a heads-up, and I wanted to see Lexi for as long as I could. Maybe if I got those other things done quickly, I could spend more time with her.

As much as I wanted to spend the night with her, I knew that I’d probably be up late going through details and researching more about the area we were heading to. I tried to call Nica before I went up to Lexi’s apartment, but Patrick told me that Annie had just left to pick her up from cheer practice. He said he’d have them call me when they returned home.

I took the stairs two at a time, dreading saying goodbye to Lexi but happy to be able to spend a few minutes with her. I felt the change in her demeanor as I held her. Her arms were too tight, her body too tense. Something was wrong, but I never would have guessed what it was.

I couldn’t understand how she could let go of what we had so easily. Yes, I understood that she lost someone that she cared deeply about, and she was afraid that she’d lose me, but she wouldn’t. I’d be back.

I stepped out of her apartment, the necklace box clenched in my hand as I clomped down the stairs to the first floor. My chest felt hollow as if I’d left my heart two flights up. When I stepped into my apartment, I tossed the necklace box to the counter and flopped on the sofa.

I couldn’t believe that she broke it off. We were so damn good together. I swore as I sat there that once I got back, I’d prove it to her. I’d find a way to show her that we could make it work. I’d make her see that we could have a life, a future.

My cellphone rang, and I saw it was Nica. I inhaled deeply and released it before answering. “Hey, young lady. How was practice tonight?”

“Exhausting.” She groaned. “And now I have to eat and finish my homework. Patrick said you needed to talk to me. Are you getting married to Lexi?” she asked excitedly, and I felt a stab in my hollow chest.

“No, no wedding plans,” I told her. “But I wanted to make you and your mom aware that I’m going out of town for a little while.”

She was quiet for a moment. “Are you going back overseas?”

I didn’t want her to worry, but I also wasn’t going to lie to her. “Yes, I have to help with a situation over there. Hopefully, it will be quick, and I’ll be back in about a week.”

“Okay, you better. Lexi already promised that you two would be at my competition.”

I wasn’t sure if that was still the case, but I wouldn’t miss it. “I’ll be there, I promise.”

“Okay, I guess you want to talk to Mom, right?”

“Yeah, put her on the phone, please.”

“I love you, Dad. Hurry home, and be careful.”

“Thank you, Nica. I love you too.”

The phone changed hands, and Annie’s voice came over the line. “I thought you were done going overseas, Alex.”

“I’m only going over for a week or so. We have to help with some contracts that are having some issues. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

She sighed. “You know I’ve heard that before and then it’s taken you another six months to get back here.”

“This isn’t like that, Annie, and you know it. I’ll be back in a couple weeks.”


“Annie, I still have you listed as my emergency contact. Is that alright?”

“Yes, Alex, you know that is fine. In fact, I think that’s a good idea. Your parents aren’t as strong as they used to be. It would be better for me to get the news and explain it to them if something happened.”

“I appreciate that, Annie, but nothing is going to happen.”

“Alex, you never know.”
