Page 86 of Riley

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I had already decided that I would not have this baby without him at my side. I was thinking about that as I came down the stairs from putting something in the nursery. A loud bang from the kitchen startled me, and I stepped wrong, losing my footing and falling down the last three steps on my butt.

Holy crap! My back! I sat there as Roxy ran around the corner of the kitchen. “Riley! Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I just slipped down those last few steps. I think I bruised my tailbone. Help me get up.”

Roxy and Dani rushed to help me off the floor. As soon as I stood, a sharp pain went through my stomach, and a gush of fluid ran down my legs.

“Shit! My water just broke!” I said as I stared at them.

Roxy looked down and began to speak as I screamed in pain and almost dropped to my knees. “Oh, shit! That’s not just your fluid, Ry. You’re bleeding!”

“I’ll call 9-1-1,” Charlotte yelled down the hallway as they put me back to the floor.

I grabbed Roxy’s arm. “Get Ethan! Please bring him to the hospital! I can’t have this baby without him there! Please, Roxy!”

“I will. I’ll go as soon as the ambulance gets here.”

“No! Go now! Go, drag him if you have to!”

Roxy rushed away, and a few minutes later, I heard the door close. The pains kept coming, and Dani and Charlotte stayed by my side until the ambulance arrived. Luckily, my brother wasn’t the paramedic, and a few minutes later, we were on the way to the hospital. Charlotte was holding my hand, Dani following us, and the whole way, I prayed that Ethan would get the stick out of his ass and arrive in time.
