Page 27 of Angelina

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Chapter Ten


Isat on the sofa in the overseers’ conference room and kicked my boots up on the table in front of me.Over the last few weeks, I had come to make myself at home here.Gideon was right.This was a good place for me.

Since the night I showed my ruthless side and let Vegas sample my blood, I realized that I enjoyed my position of power here amongst this group.It made me feel alive in a way that I had not felt since I’d been with my father many years ago.

It’s not that I didn’t like being with my sister.I had.It was that while living with her, I had been in her shadow.Now I was able to shine like the sun.Perhaps I had been more jealous of her than I had initially let myself believe.

The door opened, and Gideon and Corbin entered with Bark.Most of the group had warmed up to me.Zin, Flora, and Adam were fine with me being here, and we got along.Of course, Zin and Adam had both been in my bed, so that helped that relationship.Flora was the more easygoing of the group.The only person in the overseers that I did not get along with was Marissa.She was a constant needle in my side, but I could deal with her.

Her main issue with me was that Corbin followed me around like a puppy dog, and she had a thing for Corbin.

As everyone got seated and started to talk about what they had found during the night of scavenging, I studied Corbin from under my lashes.I still hadn’t figured out what to do with him.

Since that night that I had tasted his blood, I had tried to keep my distance.He was making that harder to do by the day.He had come to me a few days after that and asked me why I was avoiding him.I told him that I wasn’t planning on staying and that having a connection with him, no matter how small, would only be a hardship for both of us when I left.

Just yesterday, Corbin reminded me of that conversation by saying, “So you’re still here.Look at the time that we have wasted.”I didn’t have a reply for him, so I had walked away.

Just like when I had tasted Hugh’s blood, I was craving more of Corbin’s.The blood of a reborn is so intense and gives such a feeling of power that it was hard not to want more.

The fact that he was a mentally strong and attractive man that I physically desired didn’t hurt either.It’s why I was sleeping my way around the compound.I was hoping someone else would scratch the itch that Corbin’s blood had caused in my body.Unfortunately, it hadn’t.I knew that I was almost to the end of my rope and would either have to leave or do something that I might regret—maybe.

I knew my sister only had a few more months of being pregnant, and then Hugh would be free once the doors of the compound opened.Would their relationship have changed?Did Hugh forget about me and decide that since I left, I wasn’t worth waiting for?Maybe he had fallen under Kristin’s spell and was deeply in love with her now.They could have built a solid relationship together.Was it stupid of me not to bond with Corbin because I was holding out hopes that Hugh and I would be together?

But what about Zander and my sister?What was happening with them?They would have been released from their confines by now, and he was most likely walking around.Were he and Kristin together?Or was Zander left out in the cold just like I was?

I rubbed the bridge of my nose as I clenched my eyes closed.If only I could contact them and see what was going on.Then I would know if Hugh had seriously committed to my sister or not.

“Lena?”Gid’s voice broke into my thoughts, and I lifted my head.


He frowned.“I asked what you thought about what Bark just told us.”

“I’m sorry, my mind was off someplace else.What did he say?”

Marissa scoffed.“She’s probably wondering who she’s going to sleep with tonight.”

I was not in a reasonable frame of mind, and her words pushed me over the edge.In a snap, I had her off the stool she had been sitting on and against the wall.Gid and Bark were instantly at my side, although neither of them stepped in.

“I’ve had just about enough of your shit, Marissa.”

She bared her fangs and hissed at me, and I slammed her against the wall a bit harder, making her eyeballs rattle in her head.Bark grabbed my arm, and I turned glowing white irises his way.He stiffened and shifted back.

I returned my attention to Marissa.“You either need to straighten your ass out or leave.”

“I’m not leaving,” she snapped at me huskily as she tried to shift her throat away from my hand.“You need to go.No one wants you here.”

“They don’t?Hmm—I wonder if you are right.”I glanced behind me.“Do you all want me to leave?”

“No,” Gid said, “and we don’t want Marissa to leave either, so put her down.”

I shrugged with a sigh and put her back on her feet as I stepped away from her.

She was in my face a moment later.I had to at least give her props for not being afraid of me or backing down.I did respect that, even if I thought she was crazy for doing so.“You think you can screw anyone here and it doesn’t affect them.”

“Yeah, so?”

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