Page 14 of Elemental Traitor

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Archer smirked. “Heldon, seriously, an Earth Elemental did it. Adam knows the Elementals.”

Brynn’s head whipped in my direction, and I caught her eye. Surprise reflected in them.

“It’s one of the things I need to explain to you,” I told her as I followed Drew into his driveway.

There were different sounds of amazement when Drew’s cabin came into view.

“It’s beautiful,” Brynn breathed.

“I’m glad you like it.” I kept my voice quiet as the others ogled the house. “We have one like it but much smaller.”

Her cheeks glowed a pretty pink when I looked her way again after parking the SUV.

“Wait.” I grabbed Brynn’s hand when everyone moved to leave the vehicle. Archer helped Sylee with a now groggy, but waking up, Cal. “I have something I need to tell you before you go inside.”

“Are you okay?” The blonde girl needed to go away for once. Yes, I liked that she checked up on Brynn, but I was already nervous.

“I’m okay. Adam, this is Macey. Macey, this is Adam. My husband.” Macey’s eyes widened and darted between Brynn and me.

“You’re married? Why didn’t you tell me?” Hurt clouded her expression, and guilt took over Brynn’s.

“It’s my fault,” I admitted. It was, so I needed to own it. “For Brynn’s safety, I had her keep it quiet, and other reasons that are no one’s business.”

“I’m sorry.” Brynn looked close to tears. “If I could have told you, I would have.”

It should have occurred to me that while I was lying to my brothers, Brynn would be lying to everyone else in her life as well. I’d thought I was making the right decisions, but maybe I’d just been a jerk.

“It’s okay. I get it. We’ll talk later?” Macey didn’t seem satisfied but slapped a smile on her face.

“Yeah, of course.”

The blonde left with another glance to make sure Brynn was okay, and then we were alone.

“I’m sorry.” There didn’t seem to be anything more important to say to her. “I thought I was doing the right thing keeping you separated from me since the Mindolin started to break out of his prison. I hope it doesn’t hurt your friendship with her.”

Brynn’s eyes studied me. “You’re different, Adam.”

My heart pounded in my chest. “Is that a good or bad thing?”

“I haven’t decided. It might be neither.”

With my elbows on the steering wheel, I put my face in my hands. I needed to get this over with. It was now or never, and she loved me, right?

“I’ve been honest with you about everything, Brynn. Well, everything but one thing.”

Brynn never could hide her emotions, and now she looked worried again. This time for a different reason.

“It’s not bad, Brynn, or I don’t think it is. I wasn’t sure my brothers wanted me to say anything before when we were first married, but I need to now.”

She gulped. “What is it, Adam?”

“My dad was Light, you know that?” She nodded. “I never told you my mom is the Water Elemental.”

Maybe I gawked at him too long, but Adam began to look uncomfortable.

“I’m sorry, Brynn. I should have told you right away, but we were young, and my life revolved around my Elemental heritage enough.” He turned from me and sighed at the steering wheel. “I just wanted to be me and not Lord Adam, Fire Elemental. I didn’t want to be a Lieutenant or a Lord with you. I just wanted to be Adam Lanshay. Plus, I didn’t want my brothers to blow a gasket if they found out I’d told anyone our secret.”

Before today, I hadn’t spoken to any of my brothers-in-law, but I’d watched them from afar and heard the rumors. Staying far from them hadn’t been an issue for me. Keeping myself hidden from them as their brother’s wife hadn’t been an issue either. On the other hand, keeping the fact I was married from my friends, that had always been harder.
