Page 15 of Elemental Traitor

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Luckily, Hazel and Connor knew and understood when I became sad and lonely. Macey’s idea was to push me on a date, which I never went on. She’d never understood why. Until now.

Now, finding out my husband was an Elemental and not the man I’d thought he was, well, my brain hadn’t quite come to terms with that announcement yet.

“Say something.” Adam looked back at me. His eyes showed a vulnerability Adam never showed me or anyone else. “I don’t know what you’re thinking, baby.”

I smiled, just like I did every time he called me that. “You shocked me, Adam. I’m not sure what to make of it. Any of this. Seriously, all I want to do is bury myself in a hole and come out when everything’s over.”

Adam gave a great sigh and leaned his body back into his seat. “Yeah, I know. We’d all love to do the same. Especially my brothers’ mates.”

“Mates?” Mates were something Vampires and Demons had. I knew that much about them, anyway.

“Elementals are meant to have mates.” Adam reached for my hand. “I’d considered it when I proposed, but since I’d decided not to tell you about my mom, a wedding was what we did. I don’t regret it. Any of it. My brothers were brutal then. They were not people I wanted you around.” He scoffed. “I wasn’t someone you should have been around, but I thank you for always staying by my side.”

“I love you, Adam. I have since the day we met.” I gave his hand a squeeze. “You know I heard what people said about all of you. I’ve known what you do for as long as I’ve heard your name. No, I don’t agree with it, but you know that.”

He gave me a tight smile. “I’ve changed, Brynn. I’m no longer that bloodthirsty, ill-tempered man you knew.” His fingertips came up to slide over my cheek and down my neck, making me shiver. Adam’s smile turned to the arrogant smirk that always got us closer to the bedroom. “Dang, I missed you, baby.”

His large hand wrapped around my neck and pulled me to him while he leaned across the distance to meet me. Our lips crashed together, and I immediately opened for his tongue to explore my mouth. He growled into my mouth and tightened his hold on me.

My whimper was usually his cue to move to my neck, but instead, Adam pulled back, breathing hard and shaking his head as if to clear it. His hands rubbed over his face when the shaking didn’t do what he wanted.

“I can’t. Not yet.” His voice was deep and grumbly. My fears stilled. Adam did want me. Just not right at the moment.

It wasn’t like we’d never done “it” in the car before, but this spot wouldn’t do. There were people around. Last time, we’d been parked out in the woods. Adam had snuck away for a few hours. Carmon hadn’t appreciated it and had reprimanded Adam—how, he wouldn’t tell me—but Adam claimed our escape had been worth the trouble.

“Brynn, I want you.” Adam’s declaration brought me back from memory lane. “I love you, and I want to spend every last second of my life with you.”

His words brought a smile to my face until he looked over at me. “What’s wrong?”

“I need a mate, Brynn.”

My smile fell. He needed a mate. Not a wife. Not me.

“Whatever you’re thinking, it’s not what I’m trying to tell you.” Adam turned more to face me. “I’m not sure why the Mindolin allowed me to leave unharmed. If he wants to rule the world, he needed to kill me. The only way to kill him, according to my aunt, Lady Life, is for my brothers and me to all have mates.”

“Okay, then, what’s the problem?” My jaw quivered and I looked down. “Is it because I’m not good enough? I’m Neutral. I’m not a fighter. I’ll drag you down.”

“Oh, baby.” Adam reached over and wiped a traitorous tear from my face. “That’s not it at all. I want you, remember?”

“Then spit it out, Adam!” My frustration and fear from the day burst out through my mouth, and I slapped a hand over my lips. I’d never yelled at Adam before.

Adam didn’t react to me screaming at him, too used to that treatment in his life. He’d told me a little of his childhood. Maybe now, since we could be together more if he wanted, he’d tell me more?

“It will be dangerous, Brynn. I’ve waited this long to come find you because I didn’t want to pull you into this mess when I couldn’t guarantee your safety. Even if I do the best I can to protect you, I could still lose you.” Fear brightened his eyes. “I love you, Brynn. I can’t lose you.”

My eyes watered more. “I love you, too, Adam. To tell you the truth, I’m already in danger. So is everyone else in our world. There are no guarantees about tomorrow for any of us. Even if you and I get one day together, I’ll take it over the heartache of being apart longer.”

“I’m sorry. I thought I was doing the right thing.” I stopped him with a finger over his mouth.

“I get it.” I didn’t like it, but the fear Adam showed me was real. Whatever they’d been through recently, it scared Adam, and that scared me. “Okay, what else do I need to know?”

He blew out a breath. “When we bond, you’ll become a Lower Fire Elemental.”

“What!” He’d prepared for my shriek, knowing it was coming.

“I only have half the abilities of a Fire Elemental, Brynn. You’ll receive the others. My brothers’ mates did the same. You and I will also have the ability to speak to each other in our minds through a link. We can also feel each other’s emotions if you don’t guard them with a wall.”

Well, those were interesting side effects. So far, I could deal with them. Becoming a Lower Fire Elemental would take time to become used to, but talking to Adam through our minds, that would be cool.
