Page 31 of Elemental Traitor

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Would Zhaine continue to shock me today? For a man who hated us, he now had an odd way of showing it.

He smirked at my confused look. “It is time I put my pain and anger aside. They have done nothing but damage the world. Had I done this long ago, maybe the Mindolin would not have escaped.”

I nodded. “Maybe so, but thank you for your help now.”

Onyx took a step closer. “Zhaine will help you jump to the edge of Rusolo. There, the two of you must fight until the Mindolin intercedes.” A tear slipped from Onyx’s eye, and dread clenched my stomach tight. I almost threw up at the sight. What more could she tell me or ask of me? “Young Lord Fire, there will come a time in the near future when you must betray your brothers. If you do not, the Mindolin will conquer all.”

“What?” I never received a reply from the seer. Her mate was on me fast, and a sharp crack to the ribs let me know this wasn’t a duel for fun. This would be a show, but it would be real.

Blood flew around the cavern as Lightning and I exchanged blows. I had the more dominant element and the stronger punch, but Lightning was faster.

I thought we’d never leave the cavern when daylight struck my eyes and Zhaine threw me into a tree. My hand landed on a branch, and I swung as I jumped to my feet. The Lightning Elemental, while fast, didn’t move in time.

His hand around my ankle when he dove at me changed my view again, disorienting me. He pulled, and my feet came out from beneath me.

The fight continued as Zhaine jumped more times than I could keep track of while keeping my head attached to my body. He was taking his mate’s charge to fight seriously. I needed to as well. Not that I wasn’t trying to save my rear end, but I needed to fight to kill.

My game upped, and the spark in Zhaine’s eyes brightened. He always did enjoy a good fight.

“You were trained to be the best assassin in the world, nephew. Prove it.” He jumped us one more time, and Rusolo came into view.

Zhaine tackled me and began punching my face while I tried to force him off my body. Jeff hadn’t healed me yet. Someone had informed him not to, or he would have immediately upon the first punch to my face.

A roar, not one from either of us, rent the air, and Zhaine went flying. Blood drained out of my nose and down my throat from Zhaine’s abuse.

Zhaine’s eyes were filled with fury when his gaze met mine a second before he jumped again, leaving me with my father.

I tried to rise, but my head swam. With a groan, I lay back down and rubbed at my temples with one hand while my other remained on the ground to confirm the world didn’t spin, only my head.

“He delivered quite the beating.” I’d never forget his voice. It was silky smooth and deep. “You did well delivering as much damage or more than you received.”

I turned my head away from him and spat blood onto the thin layer of snow beside me. The snow under my body had melted once I hit the ground. My body temperature would soon heat the area around me, and the snow would clear. I didn’t want to be lying there that long, though.

“Yeah, he had a problem with a decision I made.” It was a good thing the Mindolin didn’t have Jeff’s lie detector ability.

My father laughed and, with a strong hand to my shoulder, pulled me to my feet. When I stood, he sobered. “You’ve spoken with your mother?”

My teeth ground together in real anger. “She never should have kept you a secret from us.”

“Your brothers do not agree?”

I snorted and his eyebrow rose over his black eye. “Oh, they agree. They just think Life’s high and mighty ways are ‘the best direction for the world.’ I’m not under that impression.”

“And your mate? I sense you have bonded.” He stared at me, unblinking, trying to find my lie.

My eyes fell, and my heart broke as I thought of Brynn. “She isn’t coming.” The closer I could keep to the truth, the better I’d be. “She believes the same as my brothers. I could have made her come, but a link has been opened between all twelve of us. Bringing her would only give my brothers an advantage they do not need.” Betrayal gave off a bad taste in my mouth. I had to swallow before I threw up.

My dad’s eyes narrowed at me. “How do I know you’re not lying? You could be feeding them information just as easily as passing it on to me.”

How could I prove I worked with him?

I crossed my arms and looked around. “What would you have me do to prove myself? Other than beat up Lightning, that is.”

“What is your brothers’ greatest weakness?” The Mindolin moved forward to look me in the eye. He studied me for any sign of a lie.

My eyes didn’t waver as I replied, “Their mates.”

“Yes, I gathered that.” Aaron looked disappointed.
