Page 30 of Elemental Traitor

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“No, but I know you and your brothers. I also know that for the Mindolin to fall, she must live.”

I glanced at Zhaine one more time before I stepped up to the pool. “Does he fall?”

Onyx sighed, and her smile fell. “Even I cannot see that. However, if anyone will stop him, it is the twelve of you.”

“So, why am I here and not with my brothers?” I glanced at the pool, but it remained dark until Onyx touched it with her hand.

Colors rippled out and away from her finger until pictures came into view. Fires blazed and screams from the people running reverberated in my head.

I cringed away from the pool. “I’ve already seen Rusolo.”

Onyx nodded before looking up at me. “This is not Rusolo. This is Cambria in a few days’ time.”

The blood drained from my face. Cambria was where everyone was being sent in order to form an army large enough to go against the Mindolin’s forces. The vision in the pool did not show that going well.

Lightning stepped forward to look in the pool. He looked to his mate. “How do we stop this?”

He’d taken the words right out of my mouth, but I’d been too horrified by the vision to speak. There had to be a way to stop this, or why would Onyx show us?

“There is a way.” My uncle and I both relaxed at the seer’s words. A lone face appeared in the pool, and I stepped forward again to see the Demon. “This man is Yavich. He is the man who gives the order to begin the attack at Cambria. Stop him, and you’ll stop the attack.”

Lightning and I shared a look before he asked. “Wouldn’t it be easier to relocate our forces somewhere else? Now that we know what’s coming, we can surprise the Mindolin.”

I held my fist out to Uncle Zhaine. He surprised me by bumping my fist. I’d thought I’d try, but he actually followed through.

Onyx gave us a patient look. “Mate, how many times have I explained—"

Zhaine let out a breath and finished with her. “The future is a sensitive task to change. It must be done with gentle hands.” He ran his hands through his dark hair. “Yeah, yeah. I remember.”

“Meaning?” I looked between the two.

Zhaine surprised me again when he answered. “We can change some things while others are set, but we have to influence very little.”

“Fate allows us to see and know our options to keep the balance in our world.” Onyx touched the pool again. The man, Yavich, appeared with the Mindolin.

“I can’t believe he’s our father.” I kicked at the pool in anger. “He is wrong if he thinks he can recruit us.”

Onyx gave me a sly smile, and my breath caught in trepidation. “I’m afraid, young Fire Lord, that is exactly what we need you to do.”

I blinked at her. Zhaine didn’t move either.

“We need him to what?” Zhaine looked about as put off by the plan as me.

Onyx sighed. “We have little time. Adam needs to join his father and gain Aaron’s trust.” She looked directly into my eyes. “You need to make sure Aaron sends you with Yavich to Cambria. When you arrive, before Yavich gives the attack order, stop him. Do so unseen, and Cambria’s spies will find the Mindolin’s army.”

Zhaine nodded, going along with the plan, but Onyx’s eyes darkened with sadness.

“Adam, this task will not be easy for you. Many are suffering, and you cannot aid them. Youmustgain Aaron’s approval. If you do not, thousands more will die.” Her words twisted my gut. How could I stand by and allow innocent people to die?

My uncle cleared his throat. “The Elementals are doing what we can, outside of your mother who is being kept in the dark, to save those close to Rusolo and the most danger. If they escape close to the boundaries of Rusolo, we jump and save them.”

And here I’d thought my Elemental family were cold-hearted.

“It is time,” Onyx announced and moved away from the pool. “Good luck to you, Adam. You will be on your own.”

“Brynn?” Worry for my mate trumped the worry I had for myself.

Zhaine stood before me, a fisted hand over his heart. “You have my promise that as long as you fight for the side of good, I will protect her until you can return to her side.”
