Page 35 of Elemental Traitor

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“It’s happening, isn’t it?” Sophie squeaked as she moved closer to Grace, who moved to squat over the healer and the baby she held. Tessa and Sylee each took their cues from Grace and crouched beside those of us with babies.

“Yes, I think it is,” Grace answered before glass broke in the main part of the house. “Pull the couch as close to the corner as you can. Get close, ladies.”

We all knelt on the ground, hunched over so our heads stayed low, and pulled the couch back. Seconds after we’d settled, the door crashed open. Sophie’s eyes closed tight, and she shook with fear. Jazz had a couple tears sliding down her cheeks as the noises of fighting reached us. Their men sounded like they were fighting for their lives.

“There’s no one here.” The voice was deep and male. “Where are the women?”

“The babies are missing, too.” I slapped a hand over my mouth before my gasp at Adam’s voice could be heard. The other women looked to me, but I wouldn’t give us away. “They’re probably together. Bring me Jeff and Dalton.”

“Yes, sir.”

Feet scuffled out of the room, and one lone set walked closer to us. A mirror hung on the wall by the couch. Adam walked close enough, and at the perfect angle, to see behind the couch. His eyes locked on mine, and my heart stalled at the mixed emotions in them. Then he looked at each of the other women before looking in the mirror.

I could feel his link open, and somehow, I knew he’d opened to the other women as well but not his brothers.I have no time to explain what is going on. This will not be easy, but you need to stay hidden. Stay quiet. I am not against you. I love my brothers, and I love you Ladies.

“These are the ones you want?” Adam’s link closed as he turned back to the others in the room.

“Yes. Thank you.” Adam walked out of my eyesight, and my heart fell. I couldn’t have him back. Not yet. He was working with the enemy. Why, I didn’t know.

“You’re a worthless traitor.” Grace cringed, leading me to believe it was Dalton who spoke. His voice was harsh and filled with hate.

I looked to the floor, embarrassed that Drew had just given me protection over his child and my husband acted this way.

Adam is not a traitor.I looked up into Grace’s intense eyes.

How can you be sure?I didn’t want to doubt my husband, but the sound of flesh hitting flesh began to eat at me.

“Where are the girls? Where are the babies?” Adam asked again.

“Like I’m telling you.” Dalton’s voice was not as clear. Either Adam had broken his jaw, or he’d begun to swell up. I’d seen it a few times at the academy when a brawl between cadets had gone too far.

“What about you, Jeff?” Adam began interrogating his other brother.

“You know I won’t tell you, Adam. I can’t.” Jeff sounded resigned.

“Leave us!” Adam yelled and feet scuffled away as Adam punched someone again. When the door closed, he sighed.

“Whatever’s going on,” Jeff said, “we don’t blame you. Do what you need to do.”

“Thank you.” Adam’s voice was clipped and filled with revulsion. How had I begun to doubt him? He needed my support now, more than ever.

The air temperature dropped again as feet entered the room. “What is going on in here?” There was a pause. The next time the Mindolin spoke, he sounded amused. “Never mind. I’ll let you keep having your fun, son. Just be ready to leave in five minutes. I’m still dropping the men off.”

“Dropping them off?” Adam didn’t know this part of the plan, it seemed.

“Yes, I decided some separation would be beneficial for your brothers. Their mates are not in the building, as you know. Just as well. I have plans for the Ladies, but at a different time.” The Mindolin sounded too pleased with that. “Finish with these two, and I’ll drop them off at their distant locations.”

Adam snorted. “You can have them now. I’m finished with them. In every way possible.”

Their dad laughed.

“You’re a piece of crap, Adam,” Dalton insulted his brother before grunting as flesh impacted again.

I hung my head as Grace winced. I couldn’t meet any of Adam’s sisters-in-law’s gazes.

“I’ll take the weakling Lord Air and be right back.” That was the Mindolin. His voice grated on a nerve. “Maybe a little fire will make him more willing to help us out.”

The room remained silent. I held my breath so no one would hear me panic as I breathed too loud and hard. Why wouldn’t Adam talk to me? He could tell me what was happening. He needed me to trust him, but we’d been apart for so long. Before that, we’d been together so rarely. Did I even know Adam anymore?
