Page 36 of Elemental Traitor

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Our breath still came out in cold clouds. The girls had taken to holding a hand up to cover their lips so our hiding spot wouldn’t be found. How could he not sense us? Were we not as powerful as our men?

The Mindolin came back laughing. “Lord Air will thank me for separating him from his mate. My offspring deserve better than Grace Bishop.”

Adam snorted. Grace glared, and the room began to warm. Tessa poked Grace hard, and the room froze again.

“Now, Jeff. We didn’t get to talk long earlier.” Sophie put her arm around Tessa as the Mindolin began talking to the witch’s mate. “Out of all the offspring that you and your brothers will have, yours are the ones I am most interested in. I will go ahead and assume Lady Love has told you how the Harbor Witches came to be? That they are descended from the Elemental daughters of Lady Love and Bard? So, I have a proposition for you.”

“We are not joining you.” Jeff growled as he interrupted his father. The healer had more guts than I did.

The Mindolin sighed. “Sad. Your penchant for being unable to tell a lie has just sealed your fate. However, truth is relative and changeable. We’ll see what you think in a day or so.”

Jeff cried out. Mid cry, the sound ended and the air warmed. The creature had taken Jeff away like he had Dalton.

I don’t know what this plan is,Adam opened the link to me and the girls.He didn’t expound on this. Not that it matters. He’s got Cal. He’s taken the others to various spots on the continent. You must find them if we’re going to win this war.

Adam, what’s going on?I asked before he had a chance to shut me out. My timing didn’t matter. My husband, my mate, closed me out of his link, but not before I felt his pain at doing so.

The chill upon the Mindolin’s return froze me more than it ever had. This man, this monster, had no qualms about dropping his sons off in random places around the world. I could almost guarantee they were not safe, happy places, either. Though why hadn’t we heard from the men? They’d been awfully closed off.

Adam was in the Mindolin’s grasp. My husband was still on our side. What would the Mindolin do to Adam if he ever found out his son had betrayed him? Surely, such a man as the Mindolin would expect a knife to the back. Adam was playing a very dangerous game. Why? What did he hope to achieve?

The door to the room burst open again, and scuffling sounded.

“We have him, Mindolin, sir.” The accent wasn’t human, but I couldn’t place what it was. Vampire or Demon.

“Last chance to come with me of your own free will, Carmon.” No one spoke after the Mindolin. “Fine. A prisoner it is.”

The air temperature rose. The Mindolin had taken Carmon, Adam, and his minions. No other sounds were heard in the room for the half hour we crouched, waiting. My legs burned as I crouched. Even those who knelt didn’t appear to be comfortable. The babies were sleeping and hadn’t made a sound during the entire ordeal.

I’m taking Tessa to do a sweep of the house.Grace looked at each of us.Sylee will guard the rest of you as you hold the babies. Once we’re back, everyone grab your bag of belongings and be ready to go.

Grace squeezed out from behind the couch first while I protected Taylee from any impacts from movement. Tessa followed Grace. The Witch’s face appeared strained, and I could almost feel her nerves as she left.

Will they be okay?I asked the remaining girls.

Jazz nodded with a smile.Tessa nearly killed Jeff. If he hadn’t been an Elemental, she would have. She can handle herself. Grace is a Commander in the Light military, and our Commander actually. She can definitely take on anything and win.

Good to know.

The links between all of us Ladies remained open, but we still hadn’t heard from the men. Grace and Tessa gave us updates as they moved through the house. Grace instructed us to all remain silent and to use the mental links we’d been given to speak.

When Grace and Tessa returned, it was with dismal expressions.

Everything’s been trashed. Our bags aren’t worth taking. The vehicles aren’t in one piece, or at least not enough to drive.Grace’s expression softened but remained determined.Ladies, we’re on foot for a little while. Let’s grab any blankets we can for the babies and as many baby supplies as we can carry. They are our first priority.

We moved as one from behind the couch. Jazz halted at the door to the gym, not wanting to see what her house looked like. Grace kept staring at the blood on the floor. It had to be Dalton’s.

The living room was indeed trashed. Jazz’s eyes welled up with tears, but she kept herself together with Sophie’s support. When Grace asked Jazz about baby supplies, the redhead shook off her emotions and went to work.

Within minutes, we were out the back door and heading into the woods on the opposite side of the cabin from the house I was supposed to share with Adam. Our time together there had been short and seemed like an eternity ago.

Our first objective is to find shelter.Grace led the way through the woods. The daylight would begin to fade as the afternoon sun continued to set. Shelter would be a must then. Right now, the temperature was freezing, and we were bundled in anything we could find. Taylee was strapped to my chest. Hopefully she was warm enough.

The houses around here should be abandoned if the owners heard about what happened to Mount Pickett and are headed to Cambria to join everyone else.Sylee mentally spoke from the back of the group where she watched for danger as we tromped through the woods. Jazz was the smallest of us, but she found every stick to step on. For the first time, I didn’t feel so bad about being an untrained Neutral.

Grace didn’t physically acknowledge Sylee but did respond.Let’s walk a couple miles from here, and then we’ll look for a house to crash in.

No one objected as we walked. If our circumstances hadn’t been so dire, we’d have come up with a different plan.
