Page 4 of Elemental Traitor

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“What’s she like, or I guess we should probably know what she looks like. I can’t wait to meet her.” Sophie smiled but looked uncomfortable with knives strapped to her thighs and stuck into her boots.

I closed my eyes and smiled when Brynn’s face popped into my head right away, just as she always did. My wife was never far from my mind.

“You can’t miss her,” I said, eyes still closed. “She’s the most beautiful woman in the world. Her hair is auburn, long, and straight. Her eyes are hazel, and they sparkle.” My eyes opened and I shrugged with a grin. “Plus, she’s my height, so you really can’t miss her in a crowd if she’s standing.”

“Seriously? She’s your height?” Jazz’s eyes glittered in excitement. “That’s so nice for both of you, Adam. I mean, Drew and I have a large height difference. Sometimes I wish I were taller and more his height than my own.”

“I like you just the way you are.” Drew bent to place a kiss on his redhead’s forehead.

Jazz pouted. “I know, but it would be nice if I were taller, wouldn’t it? Plus, everyone wouldn’t think I was younger than I am. They probably think I’m your kid.”

Drew gave a chuckle. “I hope you’re not saying I look old.”

His mate scowled up at him, but she wasn’t angry. He took her into a hug, and his face fell when she wasn’t looking. They were scared. Not for themselves, but the babies.

“Guys, ladies.” They looked at me, even Jazz tilted her head from where she hugged Drew. This would be Carmon’s time to make a little speech, but he’d allowed Chris his moment to lead, and now it was my turn. I’d always backed Cal up. Leading and I didn’t like each other, but I could make a speech. Then, Cal could take the reins again. “We have four people in there we need to save, and more if we can. Thank you for coming with me. I know we’re here to save Archer, Tessa, and Jeff, but thank you for coming to help Brynn too.

“This isn’t going to be easy, and let’s face it, the chance of all of us coming out of this unscathed or alive is small. However, we are the only chance our people have to survive this upcoming war. I’d like to say we should save everyone in Rusolo and Mount Pickett, but by saving our four people, we will save many more lives.

“Watch each other’s backs. Each of us has different gifts with our elements and who we are. For now, we protect Sophie above all else. As our healer, we need her. Our other healer is down, so Sophie’s back needs to be covered or we’re up a creek.

“The world is about to become more dark and scary. We know so little about this Mindolin, something that will change when we return home to the Complex, so let’s keep our heads down and power perked up. Hope is a tough commodity to come by right now, but keep it in your hearts.”

“Nice speech.” Cal smirked at me when I’d finished. “I’d clap, but I don’t want to give us away.”

My eyes rolled as Chris sniffled. “It was so moving.”

“Chris,” Sophie warned. “Behave.”

Lord Lightning kissed his mate, and Drew gagged while Jazz hit him in the arm with a warning to knock it off.

“Okay, everyone.” Carmon stepped forward. “Talking will not be easy between us. Ladies, your mate will have to relay things as they happen. Unless it’s an emergency, keep your mouth shut. To keep us from being noticed, only use your powers if necessary. I’m proud to go into this mess with all of you. I wouldn’t choose anyone else in this whole world. Now, we have people to save. Let’s go.”

Everyone melted into the darkness in their black clothing as I doused the lantern light. The girls would stay with their men. In Jazz’s case, Drew had picked her up. If we needed immediate light, I’d create floating fireballs. Cal had used the lantern now to save my energy in case I needed to use my element later.

The smell of smoke increased the closer we walked to Rusolo. When we broke the tree line, more than one of the women gasped. Even my mouth fell open.

Rusolo blazed with fire. Homes, shops, parts of Mount Pickett, even, burned and smoldered. While the entire city wasn’t engulfed, at least half of it was or had been. The city would take a lot of work to rebuild.

“Let’s keep going. There’s nothing we can do.” Carmon’s voice held none of the emotion he felt. He’d moved himself into Commander mode. “We have a job, and the sooner we do it, the sooner the rest of the world doesn’t fall like Rusolo.”

His words spurred us onward. We remained quiet, except for Jazz, who tried to weep quietly. No one told her to quiet down. Her new mommy hormones were a mess, or that’s what Drew explained to my brothers and me via our mental link. Jeff confirmed this in a weak voice. After months of being almost constantly connected to Jazz’s energy and aura, our healer didn’t have to search hard to find her hormone levels. However, his search also gave away our location to him.

What in the blazes are you guys doing here? You’re supposed to be safely away from here.Jeff tried to be irate, but his exhaustion made him sound not at all imposing.

We have a reason. A good one.I allowed Cal to handle this side of the conversation. If he decided Jeff should know about Brynn, I’d allow him to tell our brother.You and Tessa aren’t the only reason we dropped by town. Now, rest, because we’re going to need you both as strong as you can be when we save your butts.

He’ll be expecting you.Jeff’s voice continued to weaken.

We know, but we have no choice.Cal sighed.Actually, Lady Life sent us for you. Anyway, rest. We haven’t even breached the city yet.

Jeff pulled back without another word, testament to his weakness.

“Alright, let’s head in.” Carmon waved us forward. In the firelight, even in the area not ablaze where we were to enter the city, we all saw the movement of his hand.

Slowly, we crept down the road. Half of us took one side while the other half walked across the street, tucked close to buildings where we wouldn’t be seen. Chris had even brought a black beanie for Sophie’s blonde hair. Not usually the one to think ahead, I gave Chris mental applause for thinking this time.

Halfway through the city, voices reached my ear. I held my hand up, and everyone stopped.
