Page 5 of Elemental Traitor

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Dalt,I called my Air Elemental brother to step forward. He came to my side and knelt down, closing his eyes to listen.

Four males. Coming this way. I want one.Dalton’s last sentence was a growl. The most easygoing brother among us shook with rage. I didn’t know what he’d heard them saying, but Dalton would lose it soon if we couldn’t control him.

Grace’s presence startled me as she sank down and took Dalton into her arms. Her eyes met mine and she shook her head. Dalton wouldn’t be killing any of these men. Not with his attitude. My heart swelled with love and appreciation for my sisters. Without them, my brothers would still be bloodthirsty monsters.

My heart sank as Carmon, Drew, and I stepped forward to kill the men coming our way. We left Chris and Dalton behind to protect the women.

My brothers’ mates had changed them for good with love. What did that mean for me? Brynn had loved me, and I’d loved her, I still did, but I hadn’t changed. Not like my brothers had.

The men I’d heard died before they knew what hit them. None of us used weapons, unless you counted Drew’s fists as weapons, to kill the men. I didn’t use my element either. I’d bring the enemy coming swiftly to our location. Instead, a swift twist of the neck was how my Vampire died.

The others, another Vampire, a Demon, and a Dark, died just as quietly and violently. My brothers and I wouldn’t find it in our hearts to be sorry for their deaths. These cretins deserved what came to them for the destruction they’d wreaked on innocent people.

With the job done, we returned to our group and continued on. We had to stop once more for the enemy. This time, Chris and Dalton took lead, the Air Elemental in more control of his emotions. Then, we proceeded toward the castle of Mount Pickett.

Screams throughout the city made me want to run and help whoever needed aid, but Carmon’s words and the fact that I led one group while he led the other down the street kept me from running off. Grace was a Commander and should have led my side, but she didn’t have a mental link with Carmon, and her eyesight wasn’t as good as mine in the dark. The newly-minted Lady Air hadn’t put up a fuss, though, when I’d moved ahead of her to guide our group down the street.

The old me would have walked all the way to Mount Pickett without a care for those in this town who were suffering, dying even,Drew murmured over the link.Now, all I can do is imagine my babies and Jazz in this city, going through this, and I want to crush every enemy here.

You’ll have the chance to exact revenge, Drew.Carmon continued to push further ahead while speaking to the man behind Sylee.You might not be able to save everyone, but you can take revenge on the man who’s responsible for all of this.

I will. Once Adam and Brynn bond, revenge will belong to all of us.I couldn’t have agreed more with my brother.

They’d come in the night. No one had heard them or been given warning. Anyone who’d fought back had found their head dislodged from their neck or their blood drained from their body.

I hadn’t fought. I’d surrendered like a coward, but watching Julianna, my friend and roommate, be sucked dry by a Vampire while she fought him off hadn’t given me the courage to fight. No Light blood ran through my veins. Not like a lot of the cadets who had died.

Some of the cadets and their teachers hadn’t fought. Archer and Macey had explained they’d given up so they could do more good later. Made sense to me. If only I could do more good like them.

Or Adam. Adam could do a lot of good. Too bad he wasn’t here.

Fear took my breath away again. Adam was a great warrior. What if he tried to come here to save me? What if he died trying to rescue my pathetic Neutral behind? I could never live with myself.

They’d taken my phone. I couldn’t warn Adam, Hazel, or Connor. Hazel had called me a few days ago to tell me she and Connor were with Adam and that the big guy missed me. They’d explained something dangerous was about to happen, something they couldn’t tell me. They probably hadn’t expected Mount Pickett to fall, though. If they had, Adam would have moved me from here faster than I could say, “Hey, baby.”

Hopefully they were all safe. Adam and his brothers had been coming to Mount Pickett for a treaty meeting lately. Not seeking my husband out had been the hardest thing I’d ever done. However, I should have. We could have had one more blissful night together before I died.

Oh, Adam, I miss you. Don’t come find me. Save yourself.

He wouldn’t listen to my inner pleadings. Adam was nothing if not determined and obstinate. When he wanted something to happen, he made it happen. He’d come for me.

Right now, Macey, Archer, and I were contained in a classroom with about fifty other cadets and employees of Mount Pickett. Most were Neutrals who, like me, worked in the kitchen or did janitorial work. Also, some maintenance men were in our room.

We were to sit on our hands and keep silent. Anyone who spoke had their tongue cut out. The poor Neutral girl who preferred cleaning to cooking learned the hard way that these men—Vampires, Demons, Dark, witches, and even some Light traitors—weren’t kidding. They’d allowed a healer to heal the girl so she wouldn’t die. Now, she and her tongue sat on a desk in the middle of the room as an example to the rest of us. Lola was her name. She was beautiful. My heart hurt for her.

Doran, our room’s “boss,” came in from the hallway. The tall, dark-haired Vampire sneered at anyone who dared look at him. Archer had received a black eye when he’d glared at the Vampire. Now, Archer and everyone else kept their heads down.

“Gull,” Doran spoke to another Vampire, the one directly behind me and my two friends. “Start taking the prisoners to the cafeteria. The Mindolin wants them all there so he can have some blood donations.”

Doran smirked at the words he said, and I shivered. The Mindolin. That’s the guy who’d rigged this whole thing up, who’d brought in such terrible creatures and had talked Light warriors into betraying their own people.

“You three,” he smacked first Macey, then me, followed by Archer, on the back of the head, “stand and walk to the door. You and you,” he hit another cadet and a Neutral, “follow them. Any of you take a step out of line, you all die.”

Please, don’t anyone take a step out of line. I don’t want to die.

The five of us walked out of the room and started toward the cafeteria. Macey, Archer, and I knew the castle-turned-academy like the back of our hands. The other cadet probably did too, but I wasn’t so sure about the guy with her.

My feet slowed when we rounded the corner. A large, beefy-armed Vampire walked toward us.
