Page 6 of Elemental Traitor

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“Taking them to the cafeteria?” The newcomer glared down at my friends, but he had to glare up at me. “She’s a tall one, isn’t she?”

“She’d make for a decent meal. If only the Mindolin weren’t looking for his own meal first. Care to escort them with me? Or do you have another job?” The two men bumped fists before the new one pulled a knife and stabbed the first Vampire, Gull, in the belly before slitting his throat.

“No, I don’t think I will.”

Archer had thrown his hands over my mouth from behind to keep me from screaming. Macey and the other two with us had done the same, but to themselves.

“Who are you?” Archer asked.

“No time for names.” The Vampire wiped the blade off and gave it to Archer. Then, he took Gull’s blade and gave it to the other female cadet, the one whose name I didn’t know. “Find a place to hide. I can’t free anyone else, so you’re the academy’s only hope. Get out and get help.”

He left, and with his Vampire speed, we didn’t have time to ask him anything else.

“Is everyone okay?” Archer stepped forward so we could all see him. “Anyone injured?”

We shook our heads at his quiet questions.

“I’m Vera,” the other girl cadet introduced herself, “and this is Felix.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Archer turned to me and Macey. “I’m Archer, and this is Brynn and Macey.”

The other two nodded, and Archer looked up and down the hallway and the one connected to it.

He blew out a breath. “We don’t have much time before Doran misses Gull or someone finds him. We need to find a place to hide and make a plan.”

The other two didn’t argue with Archer, and neither did Macey and I. I probably wouldn’t have argued with any of them because I didn’t have a better plan. My only idea was to keep my head down, which at my height was a job in itself.

“Where do we go?” Macey asked as Archer took us back to the classroom hallway.

“The Vault.”

“Excuse me?” The other guy, Felix, looked between all of us, a look of terrified confusion on his face.

“The old book room in the library,” Archer answered. “It has sensitive documents and books that are kept in a separate, locked room. We’ll be safe there. You need a code to get in.”

Felix nodded. “Sounds like a great idea to me.”

We continued down the hallway and turned into another. This would take us the long way to the library, but we’d be out of view of the room Gull had brought us from. Doran would kill our group if he saw us without our Vampire captor.

Archer led the way, followed by Macey and me. The other two came behind me. They all looked around. Someone else needed to be listening for noises while we walked, because all I could hear was the pounding heart in my chest beating an irregular, wild pattern.

The door on my right burst open, and I don’t know who was more startled, me or the Demon coming out the door. He, however, recovered first, and my mouth opened in a silent scream as a blade from a knife flashed downward toward me.

The Demon’s blade was met by another, and Macey pulled me away as Archer took on the Demon. Another Demon rushed to the door, and Vera moved forward to intercept him before he could gang up on Archer. Macey stood in front of Felix and me. Though she had no weapon, her instincts were to protect us. My instincts said to run, and fast, but my brain said, “You’re too scared to move. Have a nice day.”

Archer fought fiercely against the Demon. Vera wasn’t as good as my friend, and Macey was forced to rush forward to punch the Demon when Vera got knocked in the face. The warrior fell to the floor, where her grip on her knife loosened and the blade slid across the floor to me.

Oh heck no. Why me?

The Demon Macey grappled with twisted my friend’s arm, and his lips pulled back to reveal two rows of razor-sharp teeth. As if his black eyes with red pupils weren’t creepy enough.

No way would I allow that creature to harm my friend.

Faster than I’d moved in my life, I grabbed up the knife and lunged forward, sinking the knife into the Demon’s heart. His grip on Macey loosened, and he collapsed. My hand, still attached tight to the blade’s hilt, pulled the knife from his shoulder. Macey took it from me and helped Archer finish his Demon while my eyes took in the sight of the Demon I’d killed and the room of scared Light and Neutrals through the open door.

I’d killed someone. Yes, he was the enemy, but I’d killed him. He had a family. Well, probably. At least at one time he’d had parents.

“Brynn?” Macey pulled on my arm. I dragged my eyes from the corpse to my friend’s worried blue eyes. They looked nice with her wavy blonde hair. “Are you okay?”
