Page 64 of Elemental Traitor

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Hold on, Fire girl. Push harder. I’m here to help now.Somehow, I knew this was Adam’s Fire Lord uncle.We may be weak, but together we can warm him up.

Someone took my hand, and more warmth swam through me. I pushed my power out in a big burst as Leo did the same.

My breath staggered back into my body as my internal flame ebbed and cooled. The hand which held mine released me, his fire gone out too.

Together, Lord Leo and I collapsed onto the ground while the Mindolin’s howl dissipated into the night.

My heart raced in panic. Brynn lay cold, not just chilled, but cold, in my arms. Leo lay beside us with his eyes open, staring into the abyss of Bard’s Forest.

Without consent, a tear fell from my eyes over my uncle’s passing. I hadn’t realized they could die.

“Life took our immortality.” Alex knelt down in front of me to check on Brynn. Lord Healing had been working on the others who’d fallen when Dad had shot ice knives at us. Jeff had worked alongside our uncle. “Leo knew what he was doing when he helped your girl.”

Alex pulled his hand from Brynn’s neck. The fact he touched her told me everything I needed to know. Alex was still depleted by whatever Life had done to him and Leo. Maybe it was Alex’s missing immortality?

Brynn’s lips were blue, and her skin held no warmth. I wanted to scream at the sky. My own fire was low. I’d burned it long and hard to give Brynn the heat and energy she needed to finish the job.

“She’s alive,” Alex declared, and people around me breathed out sounds of relief. I didn’t join them. Brynn lived now, but her inner spark was failing.

While everyone celebrated the Mindolin’s death along with Leo and Brynn’s heroics, I lay down beside my girl. My family didn’t throw a party about the win, we still had Life to deal with, but I couldn’t participate in an ounce of their happiness. Not yet.

Brynn? Baby, can you hear me?

When her response didn’t come, I pulled her close to what was left of my warmth.

What would happen if this world lost all its Fire Elementals on the same night? If Brynn’s spark went out, mine would soon follow. She was the light of my life, to be cliché. A life without her wouldn’t be worth living.

Tears leaked from my eyes as a blanket was settled over my wife and me. Yavich knelt down beside us. Someone had turned the headlights on in the vehicle behind us, and my Demon cousin’s face was on full display.

“I’m sorry for your loss and for the injury to your mate. I wish I could do something to help her.” My cousin tucked the blanket more firmly around us.

“How did meeting your mom go? Is she here?” My eyes were growing heavy. I really had used myself up. Maybe Brynn and I would go together in our sleep. I could only be so lucky not to live a day without her from now on. We’d spent too many days and nights apart. No more.

“Sleep, cousin. We are searching for a way to warm you and your mate. Stay strong.” My heavy eyelids wouldn’t open to acknowledge Yavich’s plea.

My fire continued to cool while I held Brynn. I pushed as much warmth into her from me as I could before my body grew too weak. Her face, smiling in a memory from our wedding day, lifted from my memory and was the last vision I saw before passing out.

Brynn had worn the most beautiful white dress. I’d worn my military uniform. Hazel had brought Brynn a small bouquet of flowers, and she and Conner had acted as our witnesses. Brynn had insisted on not telling her mom about the wedding until she left her house that same day, suitcase in hand holding everything Brynn possessed. I hadn’t fought her on that. I knew what a ragged relationship with your mom felt like.

The judge had taken a million years to speak the vows, and I rushed to repeat them. I’d blushed as Brynn smiled knowingly at me. She was seconds from being mine for life, and the old man was testing my patience.

My wife had radiated happiness so much she’d almost glowed when we’d been pronounced man and wife. The only thing which dampened the day for me was knowing she wasn’t yet my mate. However, the thought hadn’t saddened me much. Brynn was still mine, and I was going to do everything in my power to keep her safe.

I’d failed.

I’d lost her. Her flame was dying. She was dying. Leo had died. How many more of us would die before this was over? No, my heart held little love for my uncle, but I’d come around to accepting Zhaine into my life. Maybe I could have done the same with Leo. I’d never know.

“Adam?” A hand shook my shoulder, and my eyes blinked at the blinding light. “Keep waking up. Good job.”

The man shaking me needed to fear losing his arm. The more he spoke, the more I realized it was Chris. My temper simmered. The kid had been through too much because of our father for me to hurt him more. Besides, he was Drew’s kids’ protector. If anything happened to Drew and Jazz, Chris and Sophie would take over raising the triplets.

“Give me some space,” I grumbled. Someone was lying in front of me, but they weren’t soft like my wife. Cotton muddled my brain. Where was I? Where was Brynn?

My eyes flew open, and I tried to push myself up but failed and fell back down, muscles stiff. Carmon lay passed out in front of me, his back facing me. Chris sat up behind me.

“Did the three of us spoon all night?” I blinked at him and couldn’t help but notice we were all in our boxers.

Chris’ smile fell even though he tried to push it back onto his face. “I wish I had a joke for you. There’s plenty of them, but I just don’t have it in me to formulate one. Yeah, you, Cal, and I spooned. You and Brynn scared us all out of our minds.”
