Page 8 of Ice Storm

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He cups my chin, tilting my head up to him and rubbing his thumb over my cheek. “You look pale. Do you have painkillers?”

I shake my head. “Didn’t think I’d need them. I have some back at the hotel.”

I frown as Harrison stands and walks to Mack, bending to say something in his ear.

Mack’s concerned gaze swings to me, and he makes his way over, crouching in front of me. “Migraine, Sis?”

“No, but I think it’s heading that way,” I reply as the warning aura shimmers in my right eye.

“Come on, let’s get you back to the hotel,” he says, tugging me to my feet.

“I can’t. The auction hasn’t started yet. And you and Harmony need to stay. You’re the guests of honor,” I protest, squinting at him through the sparkles now obscuring my eye.

“I’ll get her back to the hotel and make sure she takes her meds,” Harrison says, moving close and wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I instinctively lean into his big, warm body, relishing his strength.

Mack looks torn—ever the protective brother. Then he nods, obviously deciding Harrison can be trusted with my welfare. “Thanks, Harrison. Let me call Max to come get you.”

Mack gives Harrison the name of our hotel, and before I know it, Harrison is sweeping me outside and into the waiting limo. It’s times like this that I’m glad Mack employs a driver.

Harrison tugs me against him on the back seat, and I close my eyes, focusing on taking deep breaths as Max gets us to the hotel in record time. I’m vaguely aware of taking the elevator to my floor, and Harrison digs my keycard from my small purse.

He helps me to the bed, and I sink on the edge as nausea bubbles up my throat. With a strangled moan, I stagger to the bathroom and empty the contents of my stomach down the toilet. Gentle fingers scoop my hair away from my face as I heave until my stomach is empty.

Strong hands lift me, and a toothbrush and toothpaste appear in my line of vision. I quickly brush my teeth and rinse my mouth, splashing cold water on my face. Harrison helps me back to the bedroom and guides me carefully onto the bed. I groan and squeeze my eyes shut. My head feels like it’s going to split wide open.

“Where are your meds, angel?” Harrison asks softly.

“Travel bag. Front pocket,” I slur.

A minute later, I’m lifted into a sitting position. Harrison hands me a glass of water and two pills, and I chug them down. I tug at my dress, which smells like a mixture of beer and vomit.

“Lift your arms, Jess.”

I do as he instructs, shivering as he tugs my dress over my head and cool air hits my flesh. Usually, I’d be mortified at having him see me in my underwear, with my soft belly and chunky thighs on full display. But my head is pounding, and I can’t seem to give a damn.

I lie down, and the covers are pulled over me. “Don’t leave,” I rasp, reaching out to snag Harrison’s hand as he starts to move away. I crack my eyes open and squint up at him. “Stay. Please.”

He nods, lying beside me on top of the covers, and I burrow into him. “You’re a nice man, Harrison Tensly. Thanks for holding my hair back while I barfed.”

His chuckle rumbles through me where my head rests on his chest. “Those pain meds kicking in yet?”

“A little,” I sigh, snuggling closer.

“Go to sleep, angel,” he murmurs, running his fingers through my hair.

I slide into unconsciousness.

Chapter Six


“Tensly! Focus!” Coach Larch barks at me for the third time.

We’re warming up on the ice before the semi-final, but I keep losing concentration.

It’s been a week since I left Jessica sleeping peacefully in her hotel bed. It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, disentangling her warm body from mine once I was sure she would be okay and letting myself quietly out of the hotel room. I texted Mack on the number he gave me before leaving the fundraiser to let him know she was sleeping peacefully.
