Page 200 of The Perfect Wrong

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I watch him spreading his hands on our big table. Are they shaking?


He’s that overwhelmed, that horrified by whatever the crazy witch showed him.

My eyes burn like hazel cinders when he finally meets my gaze again.

But I cross my arms defiantly.

I won’t apologize for falling in love.

Aside from the unintended gate destruction, I’mnotin the wrong. Neither is Chris. And the only person who’s truly at fault couldn’t care less about setting anything right.

Still, it hurts to ignore that shocked hangdog look on his face.

“Walk me through this. Help me understand,” Dad says softly, raking another hand over his face. “What the hell made you do this? You’re a gorgeous, smart girl in her prime, sweetheart. You could date any boy on campus, I’m sure of it.”

I open my mouth, but he holds up a hand.

“Why him? He’s handsome and brash, yes. But he also has all the grace of a bull moose at a tea party. Men like him don’t just do a one-eighty and settle down.”

Dad’s anger matches mine.

But his pain sneaks through my defenses. He’s still trying to protect me more than anything in his own messed-up way, thinking Chris intended to pump and dump me or something ridiculous.

Dad doesn’t know him well enough. Isn’t that the whole problem?

And if Evie has her way, he’ll never get the chance.

“Delia—” he starts, but I cut him off.

“Dad, we’re in love.” My confession just falls out.

He actually rocks back like I just hit him square in the face.

Am I actually trying to justify my love affair with my badass stepbrother to my own father?


Yes, I am.

“Love,” he repeats, sounding so neutral and confused, giving me a shred of hope. “Goddammit. I’m starting to think Evie was right. Cordelia, look, I don’t know what he’s done or what crazy thoughts he’s put in your head. She said he has a way of doing that.”

Thoughts in my head? Like I can’t think for myself?

My hope goes up in a puff of anger.

Dad reaches for my hand, but I push him away, jerking back in the chair.

“No. You’re dead wrong about this—and so is Evie if she’s convinced you Chris hypnotized me or whatever. I’m not a stupid little girl who decided to throw myself at the first handsome boy who gave me the time of day, Dad. If you really think I’m so smart, you should know that. Have some respect.”

Okay, so maybe Ididthrow myself at the first handsome face who called me beautiful.

So what?

My feelings for Chris Triton arereal,and I shouldn’t be on trial.

“We love each other, honestly. Ever since that trip to Vegas... And...and we were a couple at that party, the night Evie sent you the pictures. It’s true we got carried away dancing, and we certainly never meant to run into her. We planned to sit down with you after you came home and have a discussion.”
