Page 206 of The Perfect Wrong

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“I don’t know what the hell to believe. I’m working that out. Regardless, youwon’tbe seeing any more of Evie’s son. He’s not welcome here while he’s bringing addiction to our doorstep—and with his mother’s demons, too. My God.”

“Her 'demons' are why he’d never touch that crap in his life!” I shout back. “Dad, are you that blind? You really don’t see it...”

“Evie’s tests were clean,” he says sharply, pulling at his collar. “Cameras confirm she hasn’t left the house since rehab without me. She simply couldn’t have smuggled anything in, let alone started using again without someone knowing.”


For the first time, I’m more afraid than I am furious.

I don’t know how she did it, but shedid.

She’s working black magic to set me up.

Dad’s mouth is moving, but I’m not listening anymore, too up in my own head to process more grueling accusations and lies he’s fallen for.

I don’t refocus on what he’s saying until he’s in the middle of another lecture.

“...and if he steps foot on my property again, I won’t hesitate to call the police. I’ll have him thrown behind bars in a heartbeat if that’s what it takes to keep him away from you.”

Bile rushes up my throat.

I can’t believe what I’m hearing.


So now he thinks the love of my life—a decorated war hero and a man who’s been through hell with his own mother—is just a flipping street criminal?

“Awesome. Way to give her exactly what she wants,” I say bitterly. “She’s playing you, Dad. Just like she’s been doing since the day you guys met. Why can’t you see it? You’re a smart man. Don’t you remember when Evie got in my face and you stood up for me? Chris makes her crazy because he’s a grown man who won’t put up with her tricks. Not the little boy she used to push around, and that’s what makes her so...yeah.”

For a second, Dad glares at me, his eyes flicking with confusion before he breaks.

“Goddammit, Cordelia, no. Why don’t yousee he’s messing with your head!” Dad bellows.

His fist bangs his desk.

I jump.

“You’re the only person here being 'played,' dearest heart, and it kills me to see it,” he whispers, his shoulders slouching as he falls back against the wall. “He tried to kidnap you. He knocked down my gate. Frankly, this is my fault for not pressing charges immediately...”

Dad purses his lips. His eyes are swirling and dark, and he folds his hands, cracking his knuckles like that blow to the desk hurt him.

“ you hear yourself?” I whisper miserably, a sob ripping up my throat.

“Evie was right. I was wrong. My only regret is not listening, for giving her sneaky, piss-poor excuse for a son a chance. I trusted him, you know. I thought his experience overseas meant he’d be a positive influence in your life.I’mthe fool who sent him on that damn trip with you and...” He stops, inhaling sharply. “Forget it. I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I let him into our home, our lives, and he stabbed us in the back. I let my guard down, and yours, Cordelia, and I wonder how I’ll ever forgive myself.”

“No,”I whisper, but my throat is so tight it’s barely audible.

I’m reeling, stunned that I’m living this slow-motion nightmare.

I can’t believe he’s made up his mind on total lies.

“It’s not like that,” I say. “Please. Wait for him to come home so you can talk. Let him explain.”

“Explain? Give me a break.” He rolls his eyes and drops down into his chair. “I’ve heard it all. I know what these men are like, especially when they’ve suffered so much violence. Sometimes it damages them. He’ll tell a woman anything she wants to hear. That’s not love. And even if I thought he was Prince Charming, he’s still yourstepbrother.What will people say? Do you really think I’d ever just throw up my hands and give you my blessing?”

“If you knew the truth, you would. I’m not a little girl anymore,” I shoot back, digging my nails into my thighs so hard it hurts. “It’s my life, Dad. If you want to cut off my trust, go right ahead. I don’t care anymore. Soon I’ll be done with school and out on my own.”

“You think it’s that easy, huh?” He folds his hands and leans forward, staring coldly into my eyes. “I’m not asking you to go off and prove me wrong, Cordelia. I’m giving you an ultimatum—get help. Go to therapy and forget about him. I don’t want to have a conversation with the Dean, but I will if I think it’s in your best interests. Also, you owe me a drug test. If it doesn’t come back clean, you’re heading straight to the same place Evie went.”
