Page 207 of The Perfect Wrong

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I’m dying.

My heart feels like it’s encased in cement, falling right out of me.

All I want to do is run, stuff my face in the nearest pillow, and scream and scream andscreamuntil I pass out.

“Please understand. If this was his doing—and I’m certain it is—I’m only trying to do what’s right. I’m trying to help you, honey, even if you hate me now,” he whispers. “I’m proud of you. I won’t have your whole future derailed by this man and whatever devious addictions he’s pushing. There’s no shame in getting help. We all need it sometimes. Lord knows I did after your mother walked out years ago.”

He pauses, his eyes going glassy with tears as he watches me shake my head, snapping it side to side.

“I’ll always love and support you, Cordelia. That’s what families do. But I’m not going to sit back and watch while you blow your life up. While he’s poisoned you with his games, twisted your heart into thinking you actually...” He swallows hard. “That you love this maniac.”

He’s still talking, but I can’t process anything after that.

I’m blotting at my eyes until I can see, and then I’m up, blowing out of his office before he can say another cruel word.

“Think about it!” he calls after me. “We’ll talk again tomorrow. I know you’ll come to your senses. I spent my whole life raising you to be better than—”

Than what?

That’s so rich I want to throw up.

If he knew anything at all about Chris, he’d know no one else in this house is fit to tie his shoes.

I cover my ears and rush through the house, the whole world going shaky and red.

There’s a figure sitting in the nook outside their bedroom—the queen bitch herself—basking in the pale moonlight with a fresh drink in her hand that’s almost drained.

I know by the amber color it’s no mocktail.

She’s hitting the bottle again, right under Dad’s nose, just like she somehow smuggled in that bag of blow.

The sneering, triumphant smile she gives me confirms it.

I won’t look at her.

I just bolt inside my room and slam the door, my only safe haven from this prison my house has become.

I can’t give up.

Can’t let them win.

Can’t let them destroy the love of my life.

I’d give anything to talk to Chris. I promised I wouldn’t bother him when I know he can’t answer, but it’s been too long and I’m being strangled in slow motion.

So I pull up his contact and start texting.

Hey, are you all right? It’s been a week. I know you’re busy, but if you can even send one word...

I sigh.

Where the hell is he?

I open my browser tab and start scanning the news like always.

Definitely not a wise decision right now, but it’s the only thing that makes me feel better—until I spot the headline a little ways down the international news page, one more tragedy in a whole litany of bad.

BREAKING!Six American Security Contractors Go Missing In Mexico!
