Page 128 of Gods & Angels

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“I suppose you should.”

I sat up, holding the blankets to my body as I looked around for my lingerie. He grabbed the blankets and pulled them down, exposing my breasts. He leant down and sucked on one of them. A jolt of need shot straight down.

“Where’s my bra?” I asked, trying to distract him before I jumped him again.

“In a safe place,” he said.

I grabbed his hair and pulled his head to make him look at me. “Excuse me?”

The cheeky and pleased grin he gave me was, frankly, almost sweet. “You didn’t think I’d let you go with them, did you?”

“What am I supposed to wear back to my room?” I asked.

He shrugged. “That coat suited you on your way here, it’ll suit you on the way back.”

I looked at him incredulously and he just shrugged. Was he not Valen Kincaid, I might have considered it adorable.

“At this rate,” I told him as I turned to climb out of bed. “You’ll own more of my underwear than me.”

He scooted over behind me and pressed a lingering kiss to my neck. “Maybe that’s the plan.”

I made a mental note that next time I’d just not bother wearing any underwear. Then I realised that there wouldn’t be a next time because this was us fucking each other out of our systems. I cleared my throat and stood up, dragging his sheet with me as I went to pick up my overcoat.

“Have you got a problem with being seen naked?” he asked me.

I turned to find him standing on the other side of the bed in all his naked glory. He stretched his hands behind his head as I looked him over.

“It’s never been done before,” I told him.

“Drop the sheet,” he commanded and I very nearly dropped it right there.

“You’ve seen it before.”

He shook his head. “Not like this. All at once. Unhampered. On display.”

I trembled at the force of his words. Slowly, I prised my fingers from the sheet and let it fall to my feet.

A softness came over his face then as he walked towards me. His hands went to my waist as he looked me over. My hand reached up and I cupped his cheek.

I felt it. This was the end. When I walked out his door, the bubble burst and whatever this was would be over. I was okay with that. It felt right. I honestly believed that I could walk away and I’d be over whatever insane attraction I had to him. It didn’t mean there wasn’t a part of me that would mourn the end, it would just be a very, very small part. The same one that used to wonder what my life could have been like if my future wasn’t all planned out.

I gave him a nod, pulled on my overcoat, picked up my shoes and went to his door. I couldn’t help myself having one last look at him. The him that had been all mine, even for a moment. And what a him it was.

I slipped out his door and into my own bedroom without seeing another soul. The rest of the school was still soundly asleep at just before six on a Saturday morning.

After changing in the bathroom, I climbed into my own bed and saw that Florence was still fast asleep and breathing deeply.

For a while, I stared at the ceiling, loathe to sleep only to wake and find it had all been a dream. But I was exhausted – Valen had exhausted me – and I could only fight sleep for so long.

As usual, Valen invaded my dreams, but it was a different Valen. A softer, more gentle Valen. One who made my heart flutter and warm.

When I woke that afternoon, it was after one and Florence was gone. There was no sign on our message board or my phone that she knew what time I’d come to bed. All she said was

Hope you had fun talk when you’re awake.

I texted her to let her know I was awake and, boy, did I have some stories to tell.

Chapter Twenty-Five

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