Page 72 of Adoring Alejandro

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“Is this really happening?” she murmured into his chest, a sigh of contentment following after.

He chest vibrated with a silent laugh.

After their confrontation with Denise and her arrest, AJ was dragged her from Happy Jack’s to his condo, where they made short work of getting naked.

“I must have really pleasured you good if you think you’re dreaming, baby.”

Giggling, she slapped his chest playfully.

“You know what I mean. After all that’s happened…I’m finally here. Where I’ve always wanted to be.”

He kissed her head and moaned softly. “You know it’s the same for me, right?”

She snorted. “Uh, no.” Impossible. The man hadn’t been waiting around for her, he’d been playing the field. She’d seen, with her own eyes, some of the women he’d pick up at at the bars, take home with him, and then date casually until he got bored. They were never her—they hadn’t even looked like her. Tall, skinny, gorgeous beach babes. Then there was her, the average, plain, chubby girl who was pining after him.

Apparently, though, now that she knew the truth, he’d been watching her. Seeing her even though she’d been living her life in the shadows. She couldn’t believe how incredible it all was.

Alejandro Mendez loved her. Wanted forever with her.

He squeezed her, his arms an iron band around her naked body. She melted into him, never wanting to know what space between them felt like.

“Yes, it’s the same. I might have fucked a lot of women, but none of them, not a single one of them, ever meant a damn thing to me. I got the pleasure but I was still empty afterward. This, right here with you, was what I’ve always wanted. This goes beyond sex. This intimacy, this closeness, it’s like my soul is touching yours, like my heart is beating with yours. I’ve never had that with anyone else, Maeve. Only with you. I love you.”

Her heart kicked against her sternum and her breath caught. Such beautiful words. Moved by the depth of emotion in his eyes, she lifted her face and pressed a kiss to his waiting mouth.

“Only you,” she whispered. “I adore you, Alejandro Mendez.” She kissed him again, their lips opening, their tongues twining with one another. Deepening the kiss, she threaded her fingers through his soft hair, holding him against her as she attacked him with her mouth.

He groaned, taking control, drawing her in then devouring her, until she was dizzy from the lack of oxygen and the need to taste all of him all over again. Her hand sliding from his head to his shoulders where she dug in her nails, her passion for him driving her to drag him closer, to never let him go.

Breaking the kiss, he dropped his forehead to hers and smirked.

“Looks like the mouse has become a tigress as well,” he rumbled, flexing his back muscles. His hand on her breast kneaded her plump flesh as his other hand slipped down to grab firm hold of her ass cheek. “Fuck, I love your curves. All this lush sexiness, just for me.”

She giggled. Never had she thought a man like AJ would appreciate the extra-ness of her body. But the man couldn’t get enough, just like she couldn’t get enough of him.

“A tigress, huh? From mouse to vixen to tigress. There’s a swan in there somewhere,” she teased, joy filling her.

“I never did ask…why SWAN? Why not pick an actual name?” he inquired, his hand drawing sensual circles over the sensitive flesh of her back.

Her skin prickling from his touch, she shivered, making him laugh quietly.

“Well…when I first decided to email you, I…I didn’t feel like I had an identity strong enough. You know how I was—hiding behind the computer monitor, sticking to myself, never showing my true self to anyone really. Yeah, I hung out with Sally and Anna, but I still felt like I couldn’t let myself be myself around them. Spending years living in the shadow of a vain stepmom and her pretty, mean family, I learned to be seen, then dismissed, then ignored. Next to my family, I felt like a caricature of the ugly family disgrace. Next to Anna and Sally, I felt like the DUFF—the designated, ugly, fat friend.”

He pinched her ass and she yelped. “You know that’s not fucking true. Fuck your family for being bitches to you. They were jealous and don’t deserve a moment of your time and energy. As far as Anna and Sally—those girls would never think of you like that.”

She glowered at him, though attempting to stay angry at him when he was looking down at her with such love was impossible. She heaved a sigh and brushed a kiss over the warm, smooth skin of his chest.

“I know that, but that doesn’t stop the insecurities,” she admitted. Tracing the outline of the sun tattoo over his right pec, she felt his muscles twitch at her touch.


“She Without A Name became She Who Awakened Need,” he quipped, his voice smooth yet thick like warm chocolate. Obviously, all the touching was getting to him.

Good. She wouldn’t mind another round of hot sex. He must have been thinking the same thing because his dick grew hard against the thigh she had draped over him. Hard, long, and…God…it was pulsing.

Slick drenched her folds, and she fought to keep her mind focused on the conversation.

“Damn, I awaken your need, huh,” she purred, her hand splaying over his chest. His heart raced beneath her palm. The pounding matching hers, beat for beat. “What is it that you need?”
