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Rita couldn’t help but laugh, but the sound was cut off when she reached his cock. Jared lifted his head, and he watched her as she lowered her mouth over him. She kept her gaze on Jared’s face as she stroked him with her tongue. His hands reached out to cradle her head. She took him as deeply into her mouth as she could, slurping slightly as she sucked him, and Jared threw his head back, letting out a sound of pure pleasure. Tangling his fingers in her hair, Jared tightened his grasp. “Relax your throat,” he encouraged. “Take me deeper.” She met his eyes—her jaw was already stretched as far as it could to accommodate him. But was she just going to not try? Of course not. She took as much of him as she thought she could, and then, she swallowed around him. “Fuck,” he groaned. “Good girl.”

She reached between her thighs, trying to soothe the ache there. When he looked down and saw what she was doing, he moaned again, as if it was the hottest thing he’d ever seen. “I’m close,” he told her, and Rita moaned around him.Come for me, she pleaded and hoped that her eyes said what her mouth couldn’t at the moment. Arching his back, pushing himself even more into her mouth, he yelled her name as he came. Rita swallowed and kept at it, careful not to lose a drop of him, even as her left hand moved faster, driving her over the edge for the third time. She let him go with a littlepopand kissed his thigh. Grabbing her wrist, Jared dragged Rita onto his lap and brought her left hand to his mouth. Watching her, he slowly brought each finger to his mouth and deftly cleaned her hand.

A cold nose brushed against Rita’s back, startling her enough to break the sweltering sexual tension. Laughing, she reached up with her right hand and rubbed Casey’s head.

“I think someone is ready for her dinner now.” She kissed Jared, tasting herself on his lips and tongue. “Maybe after, we could have some dessert.” Jared’s eyes smoldered, and she nearly bent down to kiss him again, but Casey gave a little whine. Rita laughed and scooted off Jared’s lap. Walking to the kitchen, naked, she said, “Come on, girl, the sooner you get your dinner, the sooner we get our dessert.”


Rita and Casey spent the weekend with Jared. She couldn’t think of a time all weekend that she wore clothes. It had been sexy and naughty, but it nagged at her, just a little, that they hadn’t spent as much time actually talking as they did having sex. They were well past the point where Rita could say that this was just some fling; she didn’t think wanting him was something that she was going to grow out of.

But she hadn’t told him about Tuck; she hadn’t introduced him to Keanie. In turn, henevermentioned his time with the SEALs. She only knew that he was in the service because the paraphernalia from it was all over his house. Tangled in his arms in his bed—or on his living room floor, or anywhere else where he decided to pleasure her—he owned her, body and soul. But what if she wanted him to own her heart too? Did he even want it?

She glanced out the window of her mobile office, quickly spotting Jared. He was helping volunteers haul wood from a truck to where it was needed on the jobsite. A task that was far below his paygrade, but he didn’t appear to be angry or irritated. He was just…happy to help wherever they needed him.He’s a leader, she thought. He knew how to handle people. From the calm manner in which he managed the progress on the site to his ease at taking charge of a group of people who had never worked together before, Jared was someone who knew how to bring out the best in people.

Both she and Casey had easily fallen under his spell. Rita hugged herself when she thought about how thoughtful he had been to make a dog bed for Casey and buy her a rawhide. He’d even figured out that she liked squeaky toys, and he had a small stash that he would bring out to play with the happy black lab. It was official. Casey was in love with Jared. The question was, where were Rita’s feelings? And what were Jared’s?

Casey whined and planted herself by the door of the mobile office. Brian was so enamored of the dog that she had become something of an unofficial mascot for them. Now, if she didn’t bring Casey with her, the men were sad. “You need to go out, girl?”

The black lab barked, and Rita stood and stretched. Her body pleasantly ached from the workout she had been putting it through. Keanie, who had been in the middle of packing for a trip that Chad was taking her on for their six-year anniversary, had teased her just this morning about her moving like an old woman. It took everything in her not to say that if Chad wasn’t getting it done right, Keanie could just say so. Shoving her roommate out of her mind, Rita clipped on Casey’s lead and took her on their mid-afternoon walk.

Luckily, Casey found an acceptable spot sooner rather than later to relieve herself, and they were able to head back to the site after only five minutes or so. As she walked past Jared’s truck, she got an idea. Reaching into her bag, she scribbled a note on the first usable piece of paper that she found:7PM. Come for dinner, stay for breakfast. She left it on his windshield, tucked underneath a windshield wiper.

The day went by a little faster after that.

* * *

Rita had invited him to her place. That was new.Welcome, he thought as he weaved his way through the streets of San Diego,but still new. He arrived at her apartment building at 6:55. He knew from things she’d said in passing that she was on the seventh floor, so instead of sitting in his truck for a few minutes, he pushed the door open and started for the guest entrance.

Rita buzzed him in, and he took the elevator up to her floor. The car climbed up the cables, and he tapped his foot impatiently during the far-too-long ride. He was lucky that no one else got on the elevator with him. When the elevator doors finally opened, he practically sprinted off, as if he were worried that the doors would shut and keep him trapped.I’m nervous, he realized with a start.Why am I bloody nervous? I can jump out of planes or go hand-to-hand with a man twice my size, but meeting a woman in her apartment is a step too far?

He didn’t have time to psychoanalyze himself, however, because Rita opened the door the moment he knocked. She smiled brightly and leaned up on her toes to give him a chaste kiss. On instinct, Jared leaned in to deepen the kiss, but she stepped back and took his hand. “Let’s go inside, shall we?” Confused, Jared followed her. Rita looked over her shoulder to smile sweetly at him again. “Oh, by the way,” she said, “tonight, it’s my house, my rules.” Jared stopped, and Rita turned to look at him. “Is something wrong?”

“That’s not how I do things,” Jared said. His tone was a warning.

As Rita dropped his hand, she stepped back. “What’s the matter?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “Don’t think you can take it?” She batted her eyes at him. “I promise not to do anything you can’t handle.”

Son of a bitch. This wasn’t going to end well if she kept this up. Attitudes like this ended with spankings.Maybe that’s what she’s aiming for. “You know what I mean.”

She nodded. “I do. Your very alpha, macho male thing is very sexy, but tonight, I’m in charge.” Holding up three fingers in the Girl Scout pledge pose, she said, “Jared, I promise not to do anything that will make you uncomfortable, and you can stop me at any time.”

“Any time?”

“On my honor,” she said with a wink. She held the door open. “Now come on. Please. It isn’t often that I get the apartment to myself for a whole night.”

He followed her in, but a large part of him hated it. Not being in charge rankled him like nothing else. Growing up in a family with a domineering father, and then serving in the Navy, Jared had quickly grown to hate following orders. He would much rather give them, and sex was no exception. In fact, he needed to be in charge even more in the bedroom. It got him off.

Unlike with his failed marriages, however, Rita had managed to get under his skin in ways no other woman had. Maybe it was because she was just as hard a nut to crack as him; maybe it was that wild look in her eye when she both wanted and didn’t want something. Whatever it was about her that he couldn’t leave alone, he wanted this relationship to work. So he was willing to try. For her.

Jared took a quick look around. For two women sharing a space, it was stark. Industrial, with minimal décor. It didn’t feel like a home here; it certainly didn’t feel like Rita’s home. She spoke warmly of her friendship with Keanie, and by the…interesting language that the young woman was teaching her, he had pictured something wildly colorful, maybe even a little messy. Rita must have noticed his staring because she said, “Keanie may sleep in her room most nights, but she’s very rarely here any other time. She finds furniture a bit of a waste.”

“That doesn’t bother you?”

Rita looked around and shrugged. “I guess not. It’s not my style, but I don’t begrudge her for it.” Filing that bit of information away, Jared turned his attention to the woman in front of him. “Now what?” He winced; he didn’t mean for that to come out as harsh as it did.

But instead of getting angry, Rita laughed. “Nervous?” she asked.

“No,” he answered immediately—and even to him, it sounded defensive.
