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Zimmerman interrupted my staring session admiring the reception area’s super clean white ceramic floor tiles.

Yep, I was early. Seventeen minutes early, to be exact. Got spare time on my hands anyway. Enough that I counted those seventeen minutes by the second.

“They left you waiting here today?”

Of course Zimmerman would notice that I remained in the reception instead of going straight up to the conference room to wait there.

“My choice. Doesn’t feel right to go upstairs alone with a visitor tag.” I showed off the tag clipped on my shirt. I had to admit that I felt a tiny pang of sadness as I wore that tag labelling me as a visitor. This place was once my home.

Zimmerman took a chair beside me. “Or maybe you were waiting for me because you’re scared of being alone with the boys?” He asked friendlily.

“No,” I stated. Completely unconvincing, even to myself. “Okay, maybe I am just a little.”

“Either way, it’s good to have you join us today. Thought I’d only be hearing from you on emails. How you’ve been, Ms Lucy? Heard you got a bigger job in the city.”

“Used to. Pathetic little me is doing a fantastic job of losing jobs. You can say you are now my only client. Going to be even prompter in my email replies now.”

“You got fired?”

I shook my head. “I resigned two weeks ago.” That was how long I’ve been wallowing in my apartment, curled up in my bedsheets and cursing my misfortune. “They gave me an out. Citing the main reason that they don’t want to hold me back.”

“What’s the real reason?”

“The boys. Top management had some strong reservations because of my history with Sam and Joe.” I sighed. “I just lost a job that I loved because of those two men. Again. Can you believe that? Because I don’t. Years of working so hard, carefully building the perfect resume and now that I’m so close to the top, I would have to explain the sudden plummets to my future interviewers. My career is ruined.”

“I’m sure the boys won’t be happy to learn of this. They both wish you well and care for you a lot, both in their own different ways. You’re like Joe’s little sister. He’ll go to the ends of the earth and back just to protect you. And Sam? Well, I reckon he looks at you the same way I looked at my late wife through forty years of marriage. It’s clearer than the day outside how deeply infatuated he is with you.” Zimmerman leaned towards me so only I could hear. “Despite how much he tries to hide it from everyone.”

“It’s a lot more complicated than that.” If only he knew. Or maybe he should. “You know this is all your fault. If you hadn’t cancelled that business dinner, I would still be….”

Be what? Happily living a sad excuse of a life? Wasn’t I still living that now anyway? Although being in this mess of a situation was a tiny bit better than before. At least the constant events happening made life a little less boring.

“Oh. So that’s what happened. Dinner. Sorry I cancelled then.”

“It’s okay. I didn’t mean it like that. Can’t blame anyone else but me for what happened.” I kissed Sam. It’s my fault.

“Well, maybe I shouldn’t be completely sorry. My backtrack move did lead to Sam and Joe finally getting back together. You know, I was there when their little dispute turned into a heavy fist fight. It was a real men’s fight. It wouldn’t have exploded the way it did if they didn’t love you.”

“Joe said it wasn’t about me.”

Zimmerman cleared his throat, realizing he had erroneously dropped a bomb. “It wasn’t… for the most part. Your name did come up. Then the glass wall came down. Thinking about it, I guess they’re not hosting this meeting in the conference room.” He pulled out his phone and lit up its display, probably checking the time.

“No, no, don’t change the subject now. Don’t just leave that at that.”

Zimmerman swivelled on his seat further toward me. “I think you should get the answers you’re looking for directly from the boys.”

I sighed deeply. Maybe it was better if I remained lost and confused and aimlessly wandering alone without knowing that answer.

“As your only client, I’m willing to offer you some free advice. Have you ever thought about starting your own business? You’ve got all the skills. Good time management, creative, smart, determined. If you want, I could ask my people to show you the ropes and help you set up shop. And while you are collaborating on my project, you’d be giving your newborn company a huge boost financially and reputation-wise.”

My own company? That thought had never crossed my mind. I wasn’tthatambitious. I wasn’t even sure if I had it in me to go solo. But still, Zimmerman’s words gave me new hope. Something to think about.

Just then I spotted Joe exiting the elevator and approaching us. I leaned in to Zimmerman subtly. “I’d appreciate it if you keep this talk between us.”

Zimmerman nodded friendlily in understanding before standing up to greet Joe. “Joe Parker. So shall we hold the meeting here since I suppose the conference room is under refurbishment?”

Joe shook Zimmerman’s hand. “I apologize you had to see that, Rolf.”

“Apologize? Nonsense. I should be thanking you. Haven’t sat through a meeting with that much entertainment in forever.”
