Page 21 of Realization of Love

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~ Amanda ~

Yawning, I stood up and got dressed.

Yet another successful article had led to tons of replies online and a flood of letters for next month’s issues. The hours were long at the office, and I was exhausted. My editor, of course, was over the moon.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Elina and Zane’s love story. All the twists and turns it took for them to realize they were meant to be together. I wondered if that could ever happen to me, whether I’d have a happily ever after with a family of my own.

I’d never really thought about having kids before. I was more focused on my career than dreaming about babies. It’s not that I didn’t want to have them. I just wanted to get my writing off the ground first. Now, I was distinguishing a name for myself in the industry, and I wondered when I would have time to settle down. Although I was just twenty-seven, I knew that my lack of experience in relationships would only get me so far. It’s not like I had a best friend that I could shack up with if all else goes to hell.

Did I need a fallback plan?

My commute was once again filled with people from all walks of life. I wondered what stories each person had to tell about their lives. After exiting the train, I made my way up the steps to daylight. The month had progressed into a sunnier state but still had a fresh coat of rain nearly every day. It was just as well as I knew the best place to get coffee around the corner.

After grabbing my morning coffee, I decided to take the long way to work. I had plenty of time before anyone noticed me missing from behind the chaotic pile of letters stacked on my desk. Instead of cutting through Cherrywood Park like I usually would, I walked around, following the curves of the street. I still liked exploring the city, finding little hidden nooks here and there, the gems I had discovered from January’s article. It was this same walk that led me down a street I hadn’t been down before. As with most of the central city, it was lined with various offices, so I thought nothing of it. Sipping my coffee, I strolled down it at a leisurely pace, people-watching as I usually did. After all, they were the source of my stories. It was at this point I saw them.

My mind was drawn to the movement behind a window on the other side of the street. Looking both ways, I crossed the road and hid in the shadows on the sidewalk. From my angle, I could just about make out a man and a woman in an office. The man was in an expensive suit, clearly high up in the food chain. On the other hand, the woman had a less powerful stance to her, clearly his subordinate. I watched with bated breath as the man shouted at her. I couldn’t make out what he was saying because of the thick glass, but the sound was loud enough that I could still hear it muffled on the other side. Panic came over me when I saw him advance in a threatening manner towards her. Just as I was about to rush in to alert the building’s security, to my surprise, he grabbed her and started kissing her. It was the most furious makeout session I had ever witnessed, and I was quick to look away, aware that it was a private moment. The image of them kissing followed me all the way to my office and behind my desk. It was at this point I knew what next month’s theme would be –

