Page 5 of Discovery of Love

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I nodded, “Go on. Ask.”

“How did it happen?”

“We were arguing, and then when I went to leave, he grabbed onto me, and I fell backward. Then it was just this feeling inside of me. We would have kissed if it wasn’t for an intern’s interruption, I’m sure of it.”

“He grabbed you?” she frowned, “Isn’t that a form of assault?”

“I’m not sure. I was furious at the time, but that just made things more… exciting. Is something wrong with me?”

Ana shook her head, “It would certainly be one way to release some of the tension between you two. It has been bubbling up for years, after all. Although, not sure how sleeping with the boss would look in our crusade for equality.”

I knew equality meant a lot for my best friend. Anaya Sharma had to be one of the best architects that Huntington Designs had ever seen, and yet they always passed her over when it was time for a promotion. It wasn’t so much of her Indian heritage as it was for her being a woman in a male-dominated industry. As one of the only other females in the office, we had soon formed a friendship that had strengthened throughout the years. We had to grow a thick skin to everything around us just to survive. I knew that having any form of relationship could be seen as damaging our climb to the top, but I couldn’t deny the raw attraction.

“Should I shut it down now?” I asked tentatively.

Ana smiled weakly, “For me? No. It’s not like you’re using him to get a promotion. You’ve just discovered something new. Hell, maybe it’s meant to be. The way he lays into you might just be a way of him covering up the fact he likes you. I’m willing to support whatever decision you make.”

Reaching out, I placed my hand on hers, “Did I ever tell you what an amazing friend you are?”

She laughed, “Did I ever tell you how hungry I am?”

We unwrapped our chopsticks and rolled them out to get rid of the splinters before digging in. It felt amazing to have someone so supportive in my corner, especially when it came to something I was so uncertain about. After we had finished, we sat back in our chairs to chat for the rest of our lunch break, after which we would have to sneakily emerge out the room and return to our respective desks within Huntington Designs headquarters.

“So,” she asked, pinning me down with her eyes, “Do you like him?”

I thought about it for a moment, unsure how to answer. After all the verbal abuse he had put me through, could I really still like the man? Not sure. Was I attracted to him? Most definitely. Not only was he handsome, but his mysterious dark side called out to me. I wanted to see beneath the mask that Edward Huntington presented.

“He’s good-looking.”

“That’s not an answer. Do you like him?”

I twisted my mouth about, “Honestly, I don’t know. How can I know? He’s only ever shown me this bitter side to him. He’s a great businessman. There’s no doubt about that. Not the best of bosses, especially to his direct subordinates. And his personal life? Essentially non-existent. Not unless his unknown reoccurring Friday lunchtime meetings are secret rendezvouses with someone.”

“Well, if they are, I’m sure they’ll stop now he has a chance with you. He’d be an idiot not to pursue someone like you.”

I rolled my eyes, “I’m a small-town nobody. A millionaire like that could get anyone he wants.”

Ana grinned, “And it just so happens that anyone is you.”


~ Edward ~

I had been up all night thinking about her.

It had taken a very cold shower and lots of coffee that morning to prepare me for the day. After the incident the day before, I had tried to avoid her. For once, I didn’t know what to say or do. I had been careful for so many years concealing my attraction to her. And now it was blaring out in the open.

And it seemed she liked me back.

I was surprised when she hadn’t pulled away, and I was almost sure she would have let me kiss her if it wasn’t for that damn intern. Just the thought of having her body pressed up against me again had me rock hard. I wanted her. Badly.

Today I have a very important client arriving, and I wanted to look my best. I picked out one of my finest Italian suits and got dressed. Despite the slightly dark circles under my eyes from tossing and turning all night, I was feeling good about the meeting. However, when I arrived at the office, I was once again at a loss for words. Selena was sitting there in a tight gray knitted dress with a suit jacket. On most days, I would have breezed past her with only the subtlest of glances, but today I couldn’t help but recall what it felt like to have those curves in my arms. When she looked up at me with those deep brown eyes, I felt my heart do a flip inside of me.

I had to get away.

Not even putting in my regular coffee order with her, I strode past to the safety of my office. Once inside, I closed the door behind me and breathed in deeply. I knew I had to control my emotions if I wanted to stay focused the rest of the day. Sitting down behind my desk, I powered up my laptop before leaning back in my chair and twirling my pen around my fingers. I always fidgeted when I was on edge. Even as I tried to read through the notes before the day’s meeting, my mind kept drifting.

Always back to her.
