Page 54 of Mowed Over

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"Don't be cute. I know it was your boyfriend who threatened me last night. I just wanted to talk to you, but he flew off the handle. He's dangerous. You shouldn't trust him. I tried to warn him. You deserve better." I catch a whiff of Terry's bargain basement cologne mixed with the dumpster smell while he's talking, and it's all I can do to keep the bile down. He should get an award for the sleaziest stalker.

"Slashing tires isn't a warning, it's a threat," I retort. I should keep my mouth shut. I really should. The last thing I need is for him to go crazy. Crazier, I mentally amend.

Terry takes a step towards me, a flash of anger in his cold eyes. I could just fucking kick myself. I'm not going to get out of this by mouthing off. I can't push past him, and I'm probably not going to win any physical encounters. He may be slim, but he still has a good eight inches on me. I might be scrappy, but we're tied at best.

Scenarios frantically flash through my head and I am kicking myself for leaving my purse in my Jeep. My pepper spray is like six feet away and completely useless. Julia is going to be so salty with me about that.

The only chance I have is to sweet talk him. Lure him in and sneak attack. As I hold out a hand trying to keep him at arm’s length while giving him the softest look I can muster.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. It was just surprising, you know. Just talk to me. It's just the two of us here." Boy, am I painfully aware that it's just the two of us. Unless someone decides to take out the trash, which is doubtful at this time of day, no one is coming to rescue me.

Terry looks placated but holds his ground. "You were supposed to be mine. I can't let him steal you. It's not fair!" His voice cracks, rising in volume. "I'm a nice guy and I deserve you. He's just a big meathead but you couldn't see past his stupid square jaw!"

My hands are shaking, but I do my best to hide the terror he's causing. I have to keep him calm and I get the distinct impression he won't like it if I act scared right now.

"You're right, Terry, but he and I are through. I broke up with him this morning."

This better be convincing as fuck.

"Do you really care about me that much?" I ask him, forcing a small smile. "I've never had someone stand up for me like that."

"Yeah?" he asks, surprise and hope lifting his face a little. I'm not sure what part he's replying to, but I really don't give a flying fart. He's calmer, and he's smiling back at me.

"Yeah," I tell him. "Maybe we could try this," I say. "I could make you dinner at my house. Wouldn't that be nice?"

"Really?" A maniacal grin is crawling up his face.

This has to work.

I have to get away.

"Yeah..." I say. I step closer to him and reach a hand out. The smell of his greasy hair is making me nauseous. Soft look, I tell myself. Adoring eyes. Don't gag.

Terry is frozen. I don't think he accounted for me initiating contact. Keep it together. Keep it together. Keep it together. The phrase is my lifeline and I chant it in my head over and over as I put my arms around his neck. I'm so close I can feel his breath on my face. Just when I thought he couldn't get any more repulsive, I realize that he smells like fish sticks.

"L-Lilah," he stammers.

I don't hear the rest of what he would have said because I pull my leg back and slam it up into his balls, channeling that one free trial kickboxing class I took.

Terry falls to the ground, cupping his junk with both hands. I don't stay to watch my handiwork. Kneework? Whatever. I jump around him and sprint for the side door of the bakery.

"You fucking bitch!" I hear him scream behind me. My heart is pumping so hard I feel like it might explode. I chance a look back, but he's still on the ground, curled in the fetal position like the pathetic man-child he is. Good. I hope I did permanent damage. Just as I turn back towards the bakery, the side door opens and Luis steps out looking panicked. He sees me and his eyes grow wide.

"Lilah, what is going on out here? Are you ok?" He catches me as I run into him, flour puffs off his apron into the surrounding air. My body is trembling with adrenaline and fear, but I've never been more grateful to see him in my life. Luis holds my upper arms, supporting me and holding me in place.

"He cornered me," I gulp a breath as I point back to the dumpsters. "He's crazy... been stalking me."

Luis' jaw sets in a hard line. "Go inside, Lilah. Lock the door, call the police."

I try to pull him in with me, but he gently pushes me towards the door. "Call the police. I'm just going to make sure he stays put."
