Page 10 of Revved Up

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I’m late. But I’m always late, so I doubt anyone will care that I’m rolling up to the bar an hour after the party started. My sister Julia is out front having a heated conversation on her cell phone. Her voice filters through the street noise as I cut the engine and take my helmet off.

“… and I told you, I’m not covering for an incompetent doctor. He needs to get his head out of his ass or I’ll go to the administration. I know he thinks his shit doesn’t stink but I-hello?” She looks at her phone, rage clouding her face. “Asshole,” she mutters at the dark phone as I approach.

“Hospital?” I ask.

She nods. “I hate incompetence.”

I toss my arm around her shoulder and steer her inside. “I know. Come on, I’ll buy you a beer.”

“Two,” Julia haggles as we step inside.

“You drive a hard bargain, but I accept your terms,” I say. The bartender eyes my sister until he realizes I’m giving him a murderous glare. He brings our beers back, eyes averted. I take mine and turn on my barstool to eye the party. Gran is shaking it next to Sally and laughing as the birthday girl blows a kiss at a group of the guys.

And there, dancing between Olive and Lilah is Parker. She’s swinging her hips and laughing while balancing half a margarita in one hand. She has her hair piled up on top of her head and little strands have escaped, curling against her sweat-dampened neck. Her pink tank top makes her look like a flower. Even from here, I can see the freckles that kiss her cheeks and speckle her shoulders and chest.

And sweet fucking Jesus. She’s wearing little white shorts, exposing so much leg that it’s driving me nuts. Those shorts are damn near indecent and all I can imagine is pulling her over here to straddle my lap. I want to kiss her senseless with those legs wrapped around me, grinding against my aching cock.

Everywhere I look, men are watching her dance. Watching the way her ass shakes in those damn shorts and probably thinking even worse than me. Her movements make her tank top swing and shift, teasing views of cleavage that I can barely rip my eyes away from. I’m torn between never wanting her to stop and needing to level anyone who dares to look at her.

Julia chuckles quietly, and I glance up to find her watching me.

“Yeah, totally not your type. You’re a terrible fucking liar, Lukas.”

“Shut up,” I say, then grudgingly admit, “I know.” I’m all for modern women, but it bothers me she’s out here all alone. Is anyone watching out for her at all? The frustration simmers in my blood as I glare at a middle-aged guy down the bar with a biker jacket and grizzled beard. He’s watching Parker like she’s a tasty snack. She seems unaware of him until she looks up and the disgusting bastard licks his lips and winks at her.

She visibly shrinks, cringing back behind my sisters and Sally. The simmering annoyance erupts into a boil. Nobody is going to make her feel unsafe. Nobody.

Kicking my bar stool backwards with a screech, I stand and step in front of El Douche, blocking his view of Parker and my sisters. I don’t yell. Yelling does nothing, in my experience. Instead, I draw myself up to my full height and lean over him, slapping a $20 bill on the bar. In my most menacing voice, I say, “Looks like you’re all paid up. Get the fuck out.”

El Douche might have been disgustingly brave with Parker, but apparently, he’s not in the mood to tangle with me. I have several inches and plenty of muscle on him and based on the throat clearing behind me, I’ve got back up from my future brothers-in-law. El Douche stands, puffing up his chest.

“No harm in lookin’,” he grumps.

Rage floods my bloodstream, my heart trying to punch its way out of my rib cage. I lunge at him and grab him by the collar of his smelly jacket and shake him as I whisper through my teeth, “You’re gonna feel plenty of harm unless you keep your eyes to your fucking self from now on.”

A soft hand on my arm pulls me back half an inch, and I let El Douche go with a little shove. He backs up to the door, raising his eyebrows at me once before leaving.

I watch to make sure he’s really gone, stretching my neck and rolling my shoulders to relieve some of the tension that’s cinching up my muscles. When I turn, I expect to see one of my sisters or maybe Sally, but the hand on my bicep is creamy and smooth with little tan freckles. I look up and Parker’s bright blue eyes are wide in her face, alarm etched in every curve. Great. I fucking scared her.

“It’s not worth hitting him over,” she says quietly. Not worth it? Is she fucking serious?

“What are you talking about, Parker? He had it coming. It’ll be a snowy day in hell when I let a piece of shit get away with eye-fucking you like that.”

My voice comes out harsher than I meant it to, and Parker pulls her hand away so fast you’d think I burned her.

“Go dance,” I tell her gruffly.

Her eyes drop to the floor, and my stomach goes with them. She’s so fucking sweet and I’m an asshole. The last thing I need is to get arrested for assault, but I couldn’t stand his eyes on her and I sure as hell won’t stand by while anyone makes a woman feel less than safe. I try to find it in me to feel sorry for causing a scene, but I can’t.

“Yeah… thanks for standing up for me,” she mumbles before turning and heading back to my sisters.

The party picks back up, but there’s a shift in the air. I’ve made everyone wary, and Parker’s eyes keep darting in my direction before sliding away just as quickly. She’s probably just waiting for me to explode again. I feel like a dick, but I can’t say I wouldn’t do it again.
