Page 63 of Revved Up

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We finish up just before noon, so I take him by the bookshop to show off his new duds. Parker squeals with glee when I open the door and step inside with Cujo.

“Watch this,” I tell her. “Cujo sit.” He sits by my foot, looking up adoringly. “High five,” I say, holding out my hand. He smacks a paw on it. I give him a scratch and plenty of praise as Parker walks toward us. He sits in place even though his front paws dance around, the desperation to see her leaking out of him. I can’t blame him.

“Such a good boy, Cujo!” she says, bending down to kiss his big head and pet him with her good hand.

“Release,” I tell him. His butt wiggles as he circles Parker, licking as much of her as he can get at. I can’t blame him for that either. Although, I make a mental note to get her in the shower before I lick her calves.

“You got him a collar!” she exclaims, blue eyes sparkling at me as she holds the tag in her fingers. I finger the spare in my pocket.

“Yeah, I didn’t want him to get lost.” Parker pats Cujo on the head and he wanders off to sniff the store. “My turn?” I ask, crossing the distance to her.

“Are you going to lick me too?” she teases.

“Absolutely,” I say, burying my hand in her hair and pressing my lips to hers. She parts her lips eagerly, her tongue brushing mine. She tastes sweet, and I love the little moan she makes when I stroke her hip with my thumb.

We’re interrupted by the chime of the bell over the front door. Two middle-aged women walk in, heading straight for the shelves of books. Kissing Parker on the cheek, I whisper, “Later,” in her ear. She rewards me with a grin and a blush.

“I left your key under the landlord’s back mat, like you said,” I tell her, returning to a normal volume. “You’re officially moved out.”

“It wasn’t a pain?” she asks.

I snort and try to cover it by clearing my throat, but the glare she gives me is enough to know I didn’t succeed. “Sorry,” I reply. “It’s just you have no stuff. It took like twenty minutes. And even if it took all day, I wouldn’t have minded. How does your hand feel?” I ask, changing the subject.

“A little achy and stiff but not bad, all things considered,” she says, inspecting the hand hanging in the blue sling.

“That’s great.” I grin at her as we catch the two shoppers watching us out of the corner of their eyes and whispering. “I’ll get out of your hair, but I’ll pick you up at six for dinner?”

She nods happily. “Perfect.”

I tip her chin up and kiss her, drawing it out before telling her, “I love you.”

My heart beats faster when she says, “I love you too.” I’ll never get tired of hearing her say that.

“Come, Cujo,” I say.

He peers around the backside of the counter at me, unwilling to leave Parker’s space.

“Come on, bud! Let’s go.”

Parker laughs as he trudges toward me. I hate to drag him away when he so clearly doesn’t want to go, but we have things to do.
