Page 46 of Pent Up

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Do I think the rogue doctor is going to come in waving a gun around? Of fucking course not. But old habits die hard and I’d rather be safe than sorry. Besides, this is her show and I’m not here to step on toes.

The attorney glances over her shoulder at me, and then turns back toward Julia to go over the timeline of events.

I’m steaming by the time Julia gets to the part where the doctor showed up at her house. I only caught the tail end of that scene the first time around and we never discussed exactly what he said. But as she sits there, describing how he slammed his hand against the door, threatening her, demeaning her, I can feel my blood pressure rising.

I don’t lose control. Never. It’s one of the reasons I’m alive and the Navy didn’t have to ship me back in a pine box even though it was close on more than one occasion. But if I see this guy in the flesh, he better pray there’s someone bigger than Andre the fucking Giant to hold me back.

I crack my neck and the sound draws Julia’s attention. She smiles apologetically, her big green eyes locked on mine. The remorse is written all over her irresistible face. She thinks she drew me into this, and I just know she’s wishing I wasn’t upset right now.

I wink at her, trying wordlessly to reassure her. Because honestly, there’s nowhere else on Earth I’d rather be.

My phone dings in my pocket and Julia’s eyes are fixed on me as I check it. Dillon’s name fills the screen and I swear under my breath. “Fucking finally.”

Dillon:Warrant issued for Grimaldi, Richard. Napa County.

Iwalk the phone over to the conference table and lean across to hand it to Julia. She reads the message and looks up at me, her face practically glowing.

“Care to share with the class?” Janelle asks, glancing between us, clearly annoyed. Julia sends me a questioning look, making sure it’s okay. I nod and go back to my spot by the door.

Julia slides the phone across the table, showing it to the lawyer. “Grimaldi has a warrant out for his arrest.”


“Hit and run in Napa.”

“How? How do you know this?” Janelle asks, turning to look at me before waving a hand to stop me from answering. “Never mind, I probably don’t want to know. It’s credible?”

I nod.

“Way to bury the lede, you two.” She pinches the bridge of her nose, like we’re a pair of misbehaving children and she’s had just about enough of us. “This makes things significantly easier. Here’s the deal. It’s obvious this guy has a pattern of threatening behavior. The hospital lawyers will do anything and everything to avoid jeopardizing the hospital’s reputation or getting sued.

“They don’t want Grimaldi on staff if he’s putting them at risk, but they’re also going to cover their bases and conclude a full investigation before firing him. Unfortunately, you’re caught in the crosshairs here, Julia. They are going to dig into your life and your employment records. They’re going to look for any reason you might have to lie. They’re going to ask you stupid, ridiculous, and personal questions.”

Julia’s expression gets darker and darker with each sentence that comes out of the attorney’s mouth, but she listens quietly.

“You are going to give them the bare minimum. One-word answers whenever possible. If you start rambling or oversharing, I’m going to tap your arm and you will shut up the second I touch you. You got it?”

Julia nods, an eyebrow cocked in Janelle’s direction. “Got it.”

“This warrant isexcellentnews. You sit through your part, follow my instructions, and I’ll have you back at work on Monday morning. With any luck, the police will have picked up the drunk by the time we get to the deposition. Just in case, let’s go over some of the more obnoxious questions they’re likely to ask.”

“Fine,” Julia shrugs. I can see that she’s already over this. Annoyed and frustrated on an empty stomach isn’t a great combo for anyone. I cross the room, picking my phone back up off the table before resuming my post. Staring at the search bar in the web browser, I try to think.

I google five-star restaurants in Sonoma and scroll through, looking at pictures of pretentious tiny plates and trying not to growl audibly. I don’t think any of this would really make her happy. After a split second, it clicks and I realize I’m an idiot. I find what I’m looking for, place the order online and confirm it when the text comes through.


I pocket the phone and turn my attention back to Julia and the lawyer.

“Do you or have you ever had a personal relationship with Dr. Grimaldi?”

Julia squints at the lawyer. “Are you trying to make me throw up? You’ve seen the guy, right?”

“Short, straight answers, Julia,” the lawyer scolds her. “But yeah, I’ve seen pictures,” Janelle shudders dramatically. “He looks like Ron Jeremy and Steve Buscemi had a love child.”

Julia gestures exasperatedly with both hands, “Thank you!”

“All of that aside, at the deposition, what do we say?”
