Page 48 of Pent Up

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She makes an impatient sound in her throat but shoos me away. “Fine, go. I’ll be right here.”

I wink at her as I unbuckle my seatbelt. I debate patting her on the head, but I’m worried she might break my wrist if I try. She leans out the window as I walk inside.

“Make sure your dad isn’t in there!”

I give her a salute, taking the front steps to the bakery two at a time. She grins and leans back inside the car.

The bakery is packed for lunch; the line wrapping around the front end. I skip the line and head to the pick-up spot, showing the woman the order number on my phone.

“Oh, hang on. That’s in the back. Give me a sec.” She bustles away, disappearing behind a swinging door. I step to the side, glancing around the dining room. I’m always amazed at what Olive, Lilah, and Dad have done here. It’s even more impressive with the new class kitchen in the back.

A familiar woman comes back through the door carrying an enormous picnic basket and an extra bag with the picnic blanket. I’m happy to see my order but slightly less thrilled at the smug look on Lilah’s face as she brings it to the pick-up counter.

“Let’s see, the Romance Picnic Package with the optional deluxe picnic blanket upgrade, complete with two extra lemon tarts and a bottle of Julia’s favorite sparkling wine.”

I scrunch up my face. Busted. Not that I expected Julia and I to stay a secret for more than five seconds between Dad and the Donovan clan nosing around. I shrug and take the basket handle, pulling it toward me, but Lilah doesn’t let go.

“I don’t need to remind you she’s my baby sister, right?”

“No, ma’am.”

“Good. Just because you’re an ex-SEAL doesn’t mean I won’t come after you.”

“Not that I doubt your abilities, Lils, but between the two of you, Julia’s scarier.”

“Excuse me, I took down a stalker and left him crying behind the dumpster.”

“Fair enough, you’re both equally horrifying.”

She grins at me. “Thank you. Have fun.” Lilah singsongs the last two words, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

“Yes, ma’am.” I give her a salute and head back outside to my girl.



As much as I enjoy giving Mateo a hard time, I don’t mind waiting in the car right now. Prepping for the deposition was irritating as all hell. All I can think about is how much time and energy this is sucking out of my life. All because I did the right thing. Being punished for being the good guy sucks.

Of course, Mateo is the bright spot in all of this. If I hadn’t seen Grimaldi boozing it up or hadn’t reported him, he never would have showed up at my front door threatening me. And if Luis hadn’t pulled a muscle and been a stubborn shit about staying home, Mateo wouldn’t have been there to scare Grimaldi half out of his wits.

So many crappy things stacked upjust rightto get Mateo and I together. A week ago, I never could have pictured us like this, but now it’s all I can see.

Parker comes out of nowhere. Well, she probably came from her bookshop across the street, but either way, she scares the bejeezus out of me as she bounces into my field of vision, her red curls shining in the sunshine.

“Hey lady!” she says, leaning down to talk to me through the open window. “Whatcha doin’ sitting out here?”

“Oh… um… Mateo just ran inside to get something.”

“You didn’t want to go inside?” She looks at me like maybe I’m growing a third eye in the middle of my forehead. To be fair, I’m always up for a visit with my sisters. This is, in fact, very out of character for me.

“I’m just worn out,” I lie. “And he just needed something quick.”

Parker grins at me. “You went to bed early last night. Maybe you’re pregnant too.”

“Haha,” I say drily. “You’re very funny, Parker. There’s no…”

Just then, Mateo emerges from the bakery. There’s a ridiculously oversized picnic basket hooked over his forearm. Fuck me. He’s so damn sexy. The sight is enough to send warmth spreading through my body. And it’s not because I want to undo the buttons on his dress shirt one by one, unwrapping him like a muscle-y birthday present.
