Page 10 of Bewitched By You

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Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, I chant in my head, spine stiffening. I’m so fucking busted, but oh, god. I can smell him. Laundry detergent and something earthy, something manly. The combination is so heady, so beautifully intoxicating, that I have to close my eyes and steel myself, even as I breathe deeper, trying to inhale all of it.

And that voice. It’s as unmistakable as his scent; deep, grave, and unhurried. He speaks slowly, not because he’s dumb, but because he’s in control and he knows it.

“Mmm… enjoy yourself,” the woman purrs, winking at him as she leads her hunky nude pet away.

From behind, fingers stroke my waist, so softly that I almost think I’m imagining it. Or maybe I’m just willing it to be real. But then I feel a whisper against my ear.

“You don’t belong here.” His voice is tight. I want to turn around. I want to see his face, but I’m struck still by the sound of his voice. I keep my back to him as he grips my elbow, steering me toward a curtained alcove.

“I could see it in your eyes the second you stepped through those doors. I don’t know who you are or how you got in here, but I know this wasn’t what you were expecting.”

He saw my eyes but didn’t recognize me? I breathe a little sigh of relief even as I absorb the sting. I didn’t think the mask was that great of a disguise, but then, it’s not like Jonas has ever looked at me as hard as I have him. Every little detail of his face is burned into my memory.

Jonas stays behind me in the shadows, out of sight; the warmth radiating off his body making the bare skin of my back tingle.

“I gave them an invitation at the door.” I lift my chin, trying to sound convincing, though he’s not wrong.

Releasing my elbow, he wraps his large, warm hand around my wrist. I can feel the callous at the base of his pointer finger, the spot that his knife rubs when he’s chopping. How many times have I noticed that callous and wondered how it felt?

His thumb smooths over the sensitive pulse point, sending a tremble up my spine. Oh, I’m in trouble. So, soooo much trouble. I’m really wishing I had picked more substantial panties.

“An invitation,” he chuckles. “But not your invitation. No one gets in here by accident, but you wandered in here like a little lost kitten stumbling into a wolf den.”

In a flash, Jonas pulls my wrists behind my back, holding them tight in one of his hands. His other hand encircles my throat. Far from threatening, the hold sends heat pooling in my lower belly and makes my head swim. His thumb strokes the side of my neck and my knees go weak.

“So tell me, Kitten. Now that you’ve seen what’s going on, what are you going to do? Your mask says you’re willing to submit…” Jonas pulls me back into him, pressing our bodies together, fingers tightening ever so slightly around my neck. And oh, sweet mother of God, I’ve never been so turned on. The feel of his skin on mine is even better than I remember. My heart races, my breaths coming in shallow pants, and I can feel how wet I am with every subtle shift of our bodies.

“… But I’m not convinced. I think you’d better run home as fast as those sexy legs can carry you.” His voice is a low thrum, his breath whispering over my skin as if the slowly spoken words have a physical weight. “Run home, Kitten. Before the wolves have their way with you.”

There’s a taunt, a challenge in his voice that pisses me off. I may be a little naïve, but I’m no shrinking violet. I’m not 18 anymore, either. I’m a grown-ass woman who knows her way around the internet. Did this place surprise me? Obviously. Who would believe that polite, quiet Jonas sneaks out to a sex club and gets off on dominating anonymous women? No one! That’s who. I can’t believe I thought he was ballroom dancing, but now that the shock has worn off, I’m warm all over.

No. Not just warm. I’m burning. This building is filled with every fantasy I’ve ever wondered about. Revelers openly and proudly engaging in desires I’ve kept secret for as long as I can remember. This might be my only chance.

A woman moans behind us and my core clenches. I catch myself wondering what exactly is bringing those sounds out of her. I want to know. And I really want to see. If he wants to play wolf, that’s fine by me. I’ve always been a dog person.

“If my mask says I’m willing, then I’m willing,” I say, jutting out my chin with confidence as my heart pounds louder than the music.
