Page 19 of Bewitched By You

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Goosebumps raise over Kenna’s arms as she stares up at me, eyes wide. Her pupils flare. Christ, she’s so turned on, they’re nearly blown out. I love seeing that involuntary response, especially when it’s me she’s responding to and not some mystery stranger.

I give Kenna’s arms a gentle squeeze and step around her, heading back to my station. Her sweet cinnamon skin has me so distracted I completely forgot why I went into the pot room in the first place. I watch out of the corner of my eye as she gives herself a little shake, collects some flatware and walks back to the dining room, head ducked.

Never has time moved as slowly as it does today. Every hour feels like five when I’m counting the seconds until I can have my hands on Kenna again. She swirls through the restaurant, taking orders and dropping off food with her usual fluid grace. She doesn’t dance competitively anymore, but she still moves with confident elegance.

I’ve spent the last decade trying to ignore her every movement; the way she makes walking look like pure seduction. Now, for the first time, I don’t hold back. I watch and I let myself appreciate her. Her smile is so bright and genuine that even the grumpiest customer walks out of our dining room happier than when they came in. The selfish, possessive side of me wants all of her smiles for myself. I catch the teenager from the hardware store staring at her ass after she drops off his burger. He leans back as she heads toward the kitchen and doesn’t even have the decency to look ashamed until he sees me glaring.

I’ve been rolling my plans for Kenna around in my head, ideas solidifying. I didn’t come last night and knowing that she’s walking around wet and needy because I ordered her to, has me aching. It’s a damn good thing the bar is busy most of the day, and I can conceal the bulge straining my jean’s zipper. But I’ll fix that tonight.

At least, I hope so. She could back out, safe word, or not show at all. I have a contingency for that, though. I can happily give up the club, give up the entire lifestyle, if Kenna doesn’t want it. I spent so many years convinced that I needed it. But after getting a taste of Kenna, I know that’s not true. I want that, but I need her.

At five, Kenna swings her way over to the bar. “I’m going to head out,” she says, leaning her hands on the bar top.

I nod, suppressing my grin. “I’ll see you later, then.”

Kenna’s brows scrunch, and she looks at me, wary.

“Tomorrow? You’re on at noon, right?”

“Oh!” She laughs quietly. “Yeah. I’ll see you at noon.”

“Enjoy yourself tonight.”

“Oh, I’m sure I will.” Her voice is airy and vague, but she smiles so broadly the dimples show in her adorable cheeks. I smirk down at the glass I’m drying as she saunters out of The Pub. She will. I can personally guarantee it.

* * *

Idouble and triple check my duffle bag, making sure I have what I want and everything is in perfect condition. I’ve participated in a scene here or there when someone needed an extra pair of hands, but mostly I’ve just been monitoring at the club. Not that partners are hard to find, I just haven’t felt… inspired.

I’m inspired now.

I get to the club at eight-thirty and check in with Dominick. He eyes me, a brow raised as I hold up my black mask. “You’re playing again?” he asks.

“Looks like it. I have a guest meeting m—”

“The one you hid away last night?” He smirks as I nod. “Uh-huh… I’m guessing you want a private room then?”

“Yeah, one with a spanking bench.”

He groans. “You sure you don’t want to do a public scene? We have that new spanking bench with the wand mount.”

“Dirty bastard,” I grin at him.

Nick shrugs but doesn’t look repentant. “Just sayin’, is all. She was sexy as shit.”

“Definitely not tonight.” Not ever. I want to keep her all to myself like a dragon hoards treasure.

“Room three is open,” Nick says.

“I told her to be here at nine. I don’t care when she arrives, don’t bring her back until 9:02.”

Nick chuckles. “Now who’s the dirty bastard?”

I smirk as I head back. Time ticks by as I lay out my bag of tricks. By 9pm, I’m sitting in an armchair in the corner of the room, mask on, actively controlling my breathing to remain calm. At 9:02, the door opens and Kenna steps into the room. I catch Nick behind her, biting his fist, and I want to pummel him.

I school my features to look as stern as I can behind my leather mask. It’s the highest coverage mask I own and covers everything above my mouth. The room is dim enough that I doubt Kenna could pick up on my rather unique eye color, but either way, it’s a risk worth taking. I want to watch those eyes when she comes for me. She’s wearing a short gray dress that clings to her ass and tits in a mouthwatering way. Tall heels stretch her gorgeous legs, and I change my plan for tonight. Those are staying on.
