Page 7 of Texas

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My hand shot up in his face.Upbecause the dick was tall. “Nope.” I quickly rushed out of there with a tightness in my chest.

Get it through your head, Maya. He will only ever see you as a kid.




Weariness tugged at my mind and body after I woke to my alarm. It was going to be one of those rough days when my head already thumped with a headache. Groaning, I sat up in bed and twisted to place my feet on the floor.

Of course, the first thing that swept through my mind was how I hadn’t seen Texas in a couple of days. Yet before that, it had been the same. He’d somehow managed to be around wherever I was and tried for a conversation. Every time, I made excuses and bolted.

Sighing, I scrubbed a hand over my face. I really had to stop dodging him. It wasn’t his fault a part of me had clung to him and wanted more.

That damn first kiss had sealed the deal with my heart.

Well, it would just have to get over it because in a few days I was going on another date with Samuel. He happened to be one of Drake’s teachers who I’d met one time at school when I had the chance to pick up my brother and sister. We’d clicked that day, and our words had quickly turned flirty. I’d enjoyed our first two dates. He made me smile and laugh. He was easy to talk to.

The sexual energy would grow.

It would.

It had to.

The date coming up would be our third, and I planned to go further than kissing and fondling to see if the small connection we’d been building over texts, calls, and a couple of dates could ignite into something more than surface interest.

Samuel was a nice guy.

He also didn’t run when Dad opened the front door half naked and pointed at his wound, stating, “I got shot saving my son. Imagine the lengths I’d go to keep my daughter protected.”

Samuel had looked a little scared, especially when Dad then pulled a hunting knife from the back pocket of his pants and waved Samuel in.

Thankfully, I’d come running from the hallway and ushered him back outside. I could see he regretted coming to the door, especially when I’d originally told him I’d meet him at the car. I’d thought that would be the last date, but by the end of the second one, he’d asked me out again.

I was looking forward to it.

I was.

Sort of.

I thought I was.

God, I didn’t know.

I liked Samuel. I just wasn’t sure if I saw something more than friendship with him. Maybe it would be best to cancel over text. No, that’d be rude. I’d meet with him and tell him I was messed up in the head and heart.

Standing from the bed, I made my way into the bathroom and took a refreshing shower that helped my headache a little. Once dressed in my work uniform, I snuck out of my room so I wouldn’t wake anyone and went down into the kitchen. Since it was nearing midnight, it was still dark outside. I turned on the light above the stove to brighten the room enough to see. I pulled the refrigerator door open to grab something I could snack on until I bought a big breakfast somewhere on our break. But when I saw a packed lunch with my name on it, I smiled. Mum must have noticed I stopped making my own lunches when time got away from me, especially since I preferred to get an extra ten minutes of sleep than be prepared for the day. It made me sound lazy, but my body was revolting at my messed-up sleep patterns.

After driving in a daze, which wasn’t good, I dragged my feet into the depot.


I turned towards the doorway off to my left when I heard a familiar voice. Smiling, I made my way over to Easton.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as we hugged.

“They’re low-staffed and called in a couple of us Melton people. How have you been? Are you getting used to the hours?”
