Page 47 of Protecting Lindsay

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“They’re at the airport in Seattle, on their way. They’ll let you know when they reach Bozeman.”

Her heart dropped to the ground. His tone was distant, his face closed. Then he turned and walked to the front door. She followed him, dread filling her insides with every step that brought them closer to the door.

He was going to leave. She could see it in the way he held his shoulders, the way he didn’t quite meet her eyes.

And she would have to let him go.


“How do you feel?” Blakeasked Lindsay while he closed the door behind them.

“Shaken, but I’ll be okay,” she said, lifting her chin.

He had to smile. He briefly touched her arm. “Yes, you will be. You were impressive out there, Lindsay Wilson, and don’t ever let anyone else tell you otherwise. Look...I...”

Shaking her head, she grimaced and looked him in the eye. “Please, no awkward I’m-sorry-but-it’s-me-not-you conversation. You did tell me you can’t give me forever. And it’s fine. I’m fine. I have to get to the shop—”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea—” he interrupted, but she didn’t give him a chance to finish his sentence.

“Well, fortunately, it doesn’t matter what you think.” She smiled sweetly. “Tea? Coffee? Or probably not. I’m sure you can’t wait to get out of here.”

“You should have the doctor take a look at your neck,” he said.

She nodded.

For long seconds, he looked at her. Even rattled, she was so beautiful, it hurt. Right in front of him was the person he loved. He could simply put out his hand, touch her, and tell her he loved her. And maybe she loved him back; maybe this was his chance of getting the kind of life he’d never thought he could have. She was the one. His soul mate.

He’d never thought he would feel like this about anyone. And then on a perfectly ordinary evening back in June, he’d walked into a bar and there she’d been—all golden and beautiful.

But even before the thoughts settled, he swallowed in defeat—she could do so much better. He’d only bring her heartache and pain, and she’d had enough of those to last her a lifetime.

“I’ll just get my stuff,” he said curtly and turned away.


Numb, Lindsay walkedinto the kitchen and sat down on one of the chairs. It was nearly half past ten. Ninety minutes earlier, she’d been making coffee, her body still glowing after the night spent in Blake’s arms. She’d been so, so happy. She’d discovered she loved Blake.

At the time, the threat Mark had posed had been the one false note in her otherwise brilliant day. Now he’d been caught, she should be ecstatic, but any minute now, Blake was going to walk out of her house, out of her life, and she had no idea what to do.

She heard him on the stairs and got up. Combing her hair back, she walked out of the kitchen.

He put his bag down and faced her. His eyes were shuttered, the muscle in his cheek working overtime. “I’m sorry.”

“Me too,” she said and lifted herself on her toes. “One last kiss?”

For a millisecond, she thought he was going to ignore her and walk away, but with a guttural groan, he pulled her close. He shoved his hands into her hair and then his mouth was on hers. She slipped her hands beneath his sweater, eager to touch him. One last time.

Within moments, Blake’s skin was hot and her blood was racing through her body, igniting flames in its wake. She was burning up, her body aching to become a part of Blake’s.

He swung her around so the wall was behind her back. Lacing his fingers with hers, he pulled her closer still while he continued to ravish her mouth.

But the urge to touch him was so overwhelming, she pulled her hands from his and again found his naked skin under his sweater. But it wasn’t enough. Not nearly. Without taking her mouth from his, she began to unbutton her shirt.

He lifted his head, his eye slits. “Damn, Lindsay...” he groaned and before she could blink, he’d pulled her top over her head and his mouth had fastened over her breast.


The roaring in hisears shut out all other sounds. With his mouth feasting on Lindsay’s generous breasts, her hands stroking and kneading his already overheated body, he was ready to explode.
