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The room was empty except for a table and some chairs. There were a couple of doors, they probably led to other rooms. The ceiling was painted with a mural of a warrior trying to woo a maiden. The warrior winked at me when he noticed me staring. Golden roses adorned the border of the mural.

He sat down in front of me.

I looked at him. “Why did you bring me here?”

He leaned forward, his elbows on the table. “This is your new office.”

Surprised, I looked around the room. There was a lot of potential here. “Thank you,” I said, shocked. “But is this truly meant for me?”

An enigmatic smile appeared on his face. “You need to stop thanking me for every little thing. I’m to be your husband and you are a princess of the realm.”

I chuckled, amused. “That doesn’t mean I can’t show my gratitude to you. You’ve done a lot for me. More than I expected.”

He inclined his head. “You’ve been running all over the Aeglire to organize your projects. You could use a more permanent base of operations.”

I leaned back. “But why here?”

Next to the throne room?

He sat back in his chair and steepled his fingers. “I thought it would be convenient for you,” Prince Maedras said. “It will allow you to get to know the other court members.”

“It’s located centrally.” I nodded. “That’s very considerate of you.”

And located close to him, so he could monitor me. I wondered if that was the real reason. But I supposed it didn’t matter. Gossip in the Aeglire spread faster than Midar.

A small smile appeared on his face. “I try to be.”

He looked at me as I waited for him to speak. A line appeared between his brows and he frowned.

I tilted my head. “Is there anything else, my prince?”

He shook his head, and the line disappeared. “No, that’s all.”

I stood up, and he did the same.

“Thank you once again for your hospitality.”

“It’s my pleasure,” Prince Maedras said as he walked to the door. “You can organize the rooms however you like. I’ll have the servants bring in furniture for you to select.”

I looked at Darith, and a slow smile spread across her face.

I clasped my hands behind my back and smiled at him. “I’m sure I’ll be very comfortable here.”

The door closed behind me, and I turned to Darith. “Can you believe it?” I clutched my chest. “We have our own office.”

“Now we only need to send the right message through our decoration,” Darith said. “I’m thinking we should go for a mix of elegance and functionality. But with a hint of playfulness.”

“Isn’t that contradictory to the message we want to send?” I stood up and looked around. “We want to show courtiers we’re serious about our work.”

“Of course.” Darith nodded. “But we also want to show that we’re approachable and open to new ideas. Finding the right balance is the key. Shades of blue to show our serenity and steadfastness. White to show our purity of purpose. And green to show our growth and potential.”

Roses to show our love for the people. I thought, but didn’t say it aloud. Colorful cushions to show our comfort in our work.

As I walked around the room, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride. This was my office. Mine and Darith’s. A space where we could plan and execute our projects.

“By the time we’re done with this office, it’s going to look like a garden.”

“Don’t Midarians use symbolism in decoration? I remember Caid Fatima did.”
