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Chapter 2


College. You’d think it would be the time of my life, but really, it’s just the beginning. Most of the people around here only come for the sexual experience and the parties. I came to learn, to become a person who doesn’t work at some dead-end job. Everyone here is all worried about who they’re dating, who they’ll fuck, and the next party they’ll be invited to. Not me. No how, no way. I have goals and a plan to achieve them.

If you ask me, those people will be the ones either married to someone wealthy, gold diggers I call them, or dropping out, barely making ends meet. I vowed to myself, after seeing friends fall into those categories that I would never be like them. Namely my best friend, Avalynn, or as I call her, Lynnie. She married her husband six years ago to help him out with his business: James Enterprises, some type of corporate thing. Of course, going into the marriage, she had no idea what she was in for. Lynnie was one-hundred-percent head over heels in love with Cameron. I tried to talk to her, begged her to run, get out of it the second she told me the real reason he wanted her. The dumbass that she was, held out hope he would eventually fall in love with her. Then about a week ago, she moved back home with her parents, the six years on the marriage term was up and she found out he was seeing his ex-girlfriend still.

About two years ago when she called me and told me her and Cameron were finally sleeping together, I told her to be careful, but she didn’t listen. I know she kept hoping for something more with him, but now she’s left heartbroken. Except for the tiny fact that Cameron is refusing the divorce, so it’s making me wonder if maybe I had it wrong the entire time, and he really does love her. I guess only time will really tell.

I come from a small town called, Airdrie. Well actually I’m from Rocky Mountain House, we moved to Airdrie when I was six months old, so I don’t even remember it, obviously. I’ve lived there with my father and my sister, who is still in high school. My father always had a rule, since he was such a hard-ass, no dating until college. My dad knew I refused to be like normal people. Watching their lives become soap operas. Especially in high school, where it seemed to be a competition. Who’s dating who, who’s cheating, and so on. That was never my scene.

I was never popular, the girl everyone wanted to be, or rather, the girl people were jealous of. I had two best friends, Trixie, who is now married, but going through a separation because her husband is being a dickhead, and Lynnie. It was us three against the world. To me, that was perfect.

I’ve changed over the years though. I ran into my mother when I was shopping with Lynnie and Trixie, when we were sixteen, I don’t know what it was, mommy issues maybe, but that was the day I got my first tattoo and started dying my hair. When I looked at my mom, she stared right through me, as if I wasn’t even there. Or maybe she simply didn’t give a shit. She never once called or sent a card, nothing, after she left our house that night, fourteen years ago. At twenty-five, you’d think I’d be over her leaving, but nope, her hurting my dad has stayed with me for years.

My phone rings, breaking me out of my thoughts on life. I look at the caller ID, Emma. Sighing, I pick it up. “Yeah?” She doesn’t call unless she wants something. Usually a favor. One I won’t want to do.

“Well, aren’t you just a ray of sunshine,” she responds dryly. “So, look,” she continues before I can respond, “this good-looking guy at school, really wants to take me out, but Daddy won’t let me date, as you know, since I’m still in high school, so please can you just call Daddy and just say that I’m coming to visit you or something?” She continues rambling and I block her out.

I interrupt her when she starts detailing what the guy that wants to date her looks like. “Look, Emma, no, you’re in high school. Why won’t you just enjoy life? Boys in high school only want sex, you don’t need that shit.” We’ve had this argument about dates since she was a freshman. She knows the rules and how I feel about them. I don’t know why she keeps on asking me. “Plus, dad and I already talked, you’re supposed to come visit me in a few weeks anyways.”

She lets out a loud whine. “Kristi, come on! Just because you’re lame, doesn’t mean everyone else is. I really like him. You'd like him, too. Please! Plus, I’m eighteen Goddamn years old, I should be allowed to do what I want! And, wait, I’m supposed to be visiting you anyways? Oh, I completely forgot about that, so it can work, I’ll still come see you, but I really want to spend my week free with Seth, please!”

“The answer is no.” I hang up, not letting her respond. I don’t get what her issue is, seriously. She’ll be in college in just four months, she can wait. Or she can just continue doing what’s she doing now. Sneaking behind Dad’s back, saying she’s going out with friends or some shit, while instead, going out with a guy. She should be focusing on her grades.

She isn’t dragging me in on her schemes. I am of age but I still respect my father and his rules. I, for one, think Dad’s rules are great. Of course, for a while I didn’t think so, and rebelled, but once Mom left; I saw his rules for dating as one of the best things ever. He met Mom in middle school, and they were together ever since. Married right out of high school, kids right away, all of it. I look at my dad as a learning tool honestly, because I don’t want to fall into that statistic. I want to enjoy life, have a career, and be steady financially before I focus on a social life.


“She just hung up on me!” I say, looking at Seth. I’ve been secretly dating him for six months now, and I know he’s getting tired of the sneaking around. But he just doesn’t understand my dad’s rules. I understand why my dad has these stupid rules for dating, but I hate them. Not all teens are the same, and I hate that my dad thinks that we are.

He clicks his teeth. “She clearly needs to get laid. From what you’ve told me, she’s so damn frigid, her vagina will probably need a mower for a guy to find her hole,” he says, running his left hand through his messy brown hair.

I twitch my nose at his gross comment. “That's just disgusting. We just need to find her a boyfriend, so maybe she’ll loosen up,” I say, then start thinking. I pace the library’s computer lab. “Maybe instead of lying to Dad about visiting her, I really will. We can look around campus for asshole guys to date her. I’ll bring the cash I have stored in my savings from work, and the trust fund my great gram left me, in case it’s harder than we think.” I sit back down beside Seth.

His brows furrow as he gives me a quizzical look and he asks me, “You hate your sister or something?”

I shake my head. “No, I love her, but something happened to her, and I just want her happy. I want her to have the happy that Daddy should have had. Maybe at the same time, I can make that my mission too. Find someone for Dad. I think Ms. Brewer has a crush on him. That could work.” My dad hasn’t dated since Mom left. At first, I thought his rules were because of that, but honestly the dating rules have been the same since we were old enough to talk about boys.

Seth starts laughing at me. “You should quit while you're ahead. Plus, if you end up paying someone to date your sister, to make her happy, it could all backfire on you.”

“It could, but I just have to make sure that never happens. Whoever we get needs to be an asshole, because then she will break up with him, and can find someone better. We just need to get her in the dating game first,” I say, smiling widely.

“Great, I have an insane woman as a girlfriend,” Seth says, groaning.

I throw my cell phone at him, laughing. “Shut up. I’m awesome. And being awesome has its advantages.”

“Right, I’ll remind you of that when this shit blows up in your face. Remember that! I said when, not if.”

I roll my eyes at him. “Oh well, whatever happens, happens. But it will work, trust me.”

He shrugs. “If you say so.”

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