Page 5 of Always Was Mine

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Last night I went to the clubhouse and got trashed, wanting to forget the bullshit Vicky pulled. All the brothers didn’t utter a word to me, probably figured if I wanted to tell them about it I would.

I pull in my driveway and storm into the house. I need to find her; she must have left a clue or something.

After tearing every inch of my home apart, trying to find some sort of clue as to where the fuck my wife went and come up with nothing, I call Rage.

“You find her?” he inquires when he answers.

“No, she just left me a letter asking me to let her the fuck go,” I say gruffly.

Rage whistles. “Shit, maybe you should. If she ain’t cut out for this life, let her go. If Megan pulled this stunt, I wouldhelpher pack her shit.”

“This might make me sound like a fuckin’ pussy, but I love her. I’m not letting her go.” Even back when she was my dead brother’s, I wanted her. I knew the only way I’d get her to be mine was if he was out of the picture. I wanted her to think he was a bad guy, instead I got my own brother killed. My plan backfired. Sure, I got the woman I wanted, but I lost my brother.

Rage is quiet before he replies, “If that’s true, man, you need to get her back. Vicky’s always been a good girl. We both know I don’t believe in this monogamy shit, but if that’s what you gotta do to keep your woman, you best get on with it.”

Monogamy? Could I do that? I’ve never done that shit in my life. Not with the way I live.

I need to find her, bring her home before I decide anything. I can’t ever promise to only be with her, but maybe I can stop fuckin’ the whores around town. That’s the best step I can take.

I should have known the shit with April would come out, but I thought I hid that one well enough. I should have known fathering a child with someone that wasn’t my Old Lady would come back to haunt me. April was a one night stand I fucked when we rode through Fredericton. Only reason she lives local now is because I made that bitch move here once I found out she was having my kid. She sure as shit threw a huge fuckin’ fit though when she found out I was married and told her to never go near my woman. She was hoping that with her being knocked up with my kid I’d put a ring on her finger. What I wasn’t expecting was the fact that Vicky would end up being my daughter’s teacher.

“Find Scraper, have him look for her. If anyone can find her, it’d be him.” I hang up, throwing my phone on the bed.


We pull up to the house that Lilly said was hers and see a bike and a rusted old jeep in the driveway. I slam my car door shut when I get out. Hitching my purse up on my shoulder, I walk towards the door, hoping my fear of leaving my husband doesn’t show.

“You sure your cousin said it was okay if I stayed here too?” Gavin asks from behind me.

“Yeah, they only have two kids. At first Eden offered, but that woman has five kids and another on the way. I am not staying in a house full of kids like that,” I say with a small laugh.

“Uh … yeah. No, here is good.”

I knock on the front door and seconds later it’s swung open. “Tori?”

I smile slightly. “Hey.”

“Come on in.”

I walk in and Gavin follows, closing the door behind him.

Years ago, my mother helped take in her friend Eden. So, I have a feeling the main reason why she’s helping me out is some sort of return favor.

“You sure he didn’t follow?” she asks me when she leads us into her living room.

“Yeah, I left before he even got the papers. I left my old cell and car so he couldn’t track me.”

“Good, after the mess with Breaks, Momma B, and a few other members a few years back, what we don’t need is another club problem,” she says, walking me towards her living room.

I only heard a little of what went down with that. One of the female members helped to try and overturn the Angels Warriors, it ended in bloodshed, and everyone that ever knew Momma B, was heartbroken. Considering, from the stories of Betty I’ve heard, she was like another mother to most of the women around town.

I also know one big fall out of the whole thing was that Hilary died. I met Hilary when she came down and helped out Eden for a while. She seemed great, so full of life, hurting, but still full of life. I also know my husband, soon to be ex, helped save the girls. For that I should be grateful, and I wanted to say something to him, but of course, I didn’t want to taint my family with the nastiness that is the Untamed Angels.

“It will be fine. Carson doesn’t even want me; I don’t think he ever really did. This is my chance to start over, but I think the only problem will really be losing me. Carson isn’t a man that likes to lose,” I tell her.

Lilly rolls her eyes. “Men, seriously.”

We sit down on her dark brown suede couch and she kicks her feet up onto her coffee table. “How are you and Vinny doing?” I ask her quietly.
