Page 2 of Can't Resist You

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Four hours later

Isnuck out of hottie’s place the second he passed out after giving it to me good. I didn’t want to go, in fact, I really wanted to go another round, but I needed to get some rest for my first day at my new job.

I get out of my car and walk into the police station. “What are you doing here?” A voice behind me asks.

I turn around and see him. My one-night stand, the man who popped my cherry. Wow, he looks hotter in the daytime, how is that possible? “Uh hi, I’m looking for Drew Knight,” I tell him.

His eyes narrow. “Fuck. Are you Tara Webb?”

I nod. “Yes,” I say, a bit confused with his hostility.

“Last night didn’t fucking happen, got me,” he growls, his face hard. I frown. Huh? “I don’t fuck where I work, I don’t care if your virgin blood was on my cock, last night never fucking happened.” He walks away from me, and it dawns on me who he is.

Oh shit, I gave my virginity to my boss.Way to go Tara, you stupid moron.

Chapter 1


Six months later

Ipull up to my apartment after working my shift. All I want to do is have a hot bath, read a book on my Kindle, and have a glass of wine. Keller wanted to come over tonight, but I texted him to let him know it wasn’t happening. I really don’t want to put up with his nagging.

Keller- Hey, babe. You off work yet? I’m dying to be inside you

Tara- Not tonight. I’m exhausted.

Keller – I’ll do all the work

Tara – Keller, I said not today, gotta feed LF and then I want a bath and an early night

Keller - whatever

I swear the man is worse than a woman. Constantly whining about sex. Seriously, does he not understand that I can only handle so much? I don’t think I was born to only have sex. But he doesn’t seem to get it.

I work all day, sometimes night shift, the last thing on my mind is screwing. Not saying I don’t love sex, I do, a lot, just not when I’m exhausted. The first month of dating, I swear, Keller pulled out all the stops. Fancy dinners, date nights, hell we just simply talked. But then once we had sex it changed. Sure, once in a while we still have a night in and watch a movie or something, but most times it’s just sex. Once I had sex for the first time, I realized that I loved it, not quite sure why on earth I waited so long, but I also didn’t want to be a slut.

Nothing wrong with having a boyfriend just so I can have sex whenever I want to, without feeling like a slut. But it’s starting to wear thin. I feel like I should go back to being alone, because it would save me the trouble. Who knew sex could be so exhausting, so chore worthy?

Climbing the stairs to my floor, I pause at my door. I rip the white paper with big red bold letters on it that’s taped over my peephole off. Eviction notice? “What the shit?”I turn the paper over, checking the other side and wondering if this is a prank.

I’ve paid on time every single month, and hell, I’m the quietest person in the damn building. I read down the notice and realize the reason I’m being evicted is because the building’s been sold, and the new owners don’t want it to be apartments anymore. “Well this is just fucking great,” I grumble, putting my key in the door.

Where the hell am I gonna go? Seriously. Ugh. I only have one real friend, no family, unless you count the Angels Warriors. This sucks.

Keller has been trying to get me to move in with him, but we’ve only known each other for six months, that’s just too weird.

My phone rings as I shut my front door and I see Keller’s name light up. “Hello?” I answer.

“Hey, babe, going out tonight with a few guys, just wanted to let you know,” he tells me.

I frown, he never calls to tell me that, so this is weird. “Um okay? Have fun.”

“Yeah, baby, I will. Love you,” he says distractedly and hangs up.

I shake my head and set my phone on the kitchen counter. Rounding the island, I go to the fridge and pull out my bottle of wine and a glass.

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