Page 15 of Unraveling Raven

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Bolton, my second,is standing at the car that will take me home from this plane. I wasn’t expecting him to pick me up, but this works so we can talk some before getting home. “How was your trip, sir?” he asks as he takes my bag and puts it in the trunk.

“It was fine, there is lots to discuss.”

Sliding into the car, the cool air coats my skin, making me think of the cool air in Canada, about my Raven.

“Well, The Oracle, she never not has something interesting to say, care to explain why she wanted you?”

There is a bit of a bite in Bolton’s words, something he’ll soon have to get over. I know our kind has never generally liked witches, but things are about to change. “The Queen has been found and reinstated.” I tell him first, and he bristles, his teeth clench.

“We’ve been fine without a Queen for thirty years, why bother with her at all?”

“Because Bolton, she’s my mate.” I declare with finality, he’s not to argue with the decision. My voice says it all.

He blinks rapidly and his eyes go wide. “That cannot be, we don’t cross breed.”

“Well, some of us do, including your King. As well as the three other Kings.”

Bolton sputters, “This is madness, the Kings of our world, mated to the same woman, and a witch? That isn’t right.”

Narrowing my eyes, I question how loyal Bolton is to me. “It is done, you will love her and help me make changes in the wolf community, or you’ll be stripped of your title as my second and I’ll have Waverly come back.” He hates Waverly more than anything, knowing he was on his way to becoming my second until he found his mate, a Vampire who is known to be Ryder’s second.

“I’m sorry sir, what can I do to help make this transition better?” he finally asks, getting down to business.

“First, duds, we call them what they are, humans. My Queen doesn’t like the word duds, so it’s gone. Second, my home base will now be in Canada, see that the transition over goes smoothly. I’m sure there will be people joining me once they learn I’m moving.”

“Yes, of course, anything else?”

“I want to host a party in the honor of the humans we have on our land. They need to know they aren’t lesser than us just because they have no magic.”

Bolton practically chokes at that. “Problem?” I raise a brow, asking him.

“No, uh, no problem. I’ll get it set up for two days from now.”

Chapter 14
