Page 8 of Unraveling Raven

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Chapter 7


Talking with Ryderis something different, like a breath of fresh air. Our conversation isn’t stilted or awkward it just comes naturally. That’s something Dagan and I took forever to get to, but now that this claiming is over, I’m worried about Dagan, I have to go see him.

“You don’t mind if I skip out on a meal with you, do you? I need to go see my other mate. Make sure everything is okay.” I chew on my bottom lip.

“It’s no problem, you do what you need to do, we’ll have other meals together. This sharing thing will have its ups and downs but we’ll figure it out.” He tells me with a smile of his own, pulling my bottom lip from my teeth. “Don’t bite that or I’ll get ideas.”

Grinning I run from him with a wave and go in search of my Dagan. I catch him heading into the dining hall. “Dagan!” I shout wanting to make sure he’s okay.

He stops but doesn’t turn around.

“Are you okay?” I ask him, knowing it sounds stupid because I have a feeling, he knows what I’ve done. Why do I feel so guilty over it?

“I’m fine, just, fuck, I hate this sharing bullshit. I knew when I arrived what the Oracle said but seeing it with my own two eyes, that fucking killed.” Oh god, he saw.

“I’m so sorry Dagan, I don’t even know what to say.” My shoulders slump.

He turns to me finally and reaches for me, I go willingly into his arms. “Nothing to be sorry for, we knew this would happen.” He kisses me softly and I moan into his mouth. I just had sex with another man and now I’m moaning for Dagan. This shouldn’t feel right, but it does.

“Let’s eat together and talk, I know you probably want time with Ryder, but I have to leave in a few days to get back to my people.” My heart clenches, he’s leaving?

We walk in silence to the table and wait for food to appear before talking again. “Why are you leaving me?” I finally ask, hurt radiating from my voice.

“Babe, it has nothing to do with you or Ryder, I promise. I’ve just been away from my people for too long without giving them any answers, it’s time I go and do that. Explain that my home base will now be here, with you. My Queen.”

“You’ll call?”

He gives me a smile, “I vow it. I’ll call every day that I can. I promise.”

“Your people, will they be okay with this?”

He shrugs. “They don’t have a choice, just like I didn’t, but it will be okay. Everything will work out for the better.”

“Will you tell me more about your people. You said that you can shift into any animal. Well, is there an animal that is off limits to shifting? Like you can’t or anyone can’t?” I feel like I don’t make sense and I’m just rambling.

Dagan laughs. “There is nothing we can’t shift into, except into another person. We can’t take those forms. Only animals. And yes, that includes rats, snakes, guinea pigs.”

I shiver, snakes are a no go for me. “Promise me something?”

He frowns and gets serious. “Anything.”

“Please never turn into a snake, I’m terrified of them.”

Waiting a beat, he bursts out laughing, “My Raven, you’ll never have to worry about that, I vow I won’t turn into a snake. You’re a strange little witch, snakes and cats are a witch’s creature. You should be getting your familiar soon.”

“Huh?” That’s something I haven’t learned about in my witch studies with Lilith. “What’s a familiar.”

“It’s your creature companion. Could be any animal. You won’t know until it comes for you.”

“If it’s a snake I’m going to lose my shit.” I grumble, I better not get a friggin snake familiar. Could you imagine passing out every time it came near me. That wouldn’t be a fun time.

“Most likely it will be a cat demon, those are most common.”

Shaking my head. “Enough of this, Lilith still has lots to teach me, let’s go to bed, since you’re leaving me soon, I need time with you.”

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