Page 17 of The Reaper

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“It’d be fun to watch you try.”

“Don’t push me. I can and I will do what I say.”

“If I find one of the assholes that are after me, I will kill him very, very slowly.”

Grant nodded. “Unless you’re putting my people in danger, I won’t stop you.”

That was good to know. I wondered how well he’d accept it when I won my battle with his brother and finally made him mine. Would he consider that putting Rhys in danger? I’d fight all of them if I had to. I was going to get what I wanted.



The next morning, I dragged myself out of bed. I was even more tired than I’d been when I’d gone to bed for the night. I’d hardly slept, tossing and turning, dreaming about my father chasing me and trying to kill my brothers. When I wasn’t dreaming of him, I dreamed of TJ. He was in my bed. He seemed to surround me completely, and I wanted him to stay just like that.

Nightmares. They were all nightmares.

Usually, even if I had a bad night, working in the barn cheered me up, but not that day. I was feeling just as bad after turning the horses out to the pasture and taking care of their stalls.

I’d been looking forward to the distraction of giving Jacob another riding lesson, but Grant came swaggering in, insisting that should be his job. I left to go on a walk, but I ran into Rogue.

He frowned when he saw me. “Wow, you look like shit.


“Come on. What’s wrong? I felt your irritation before I saw you.”

I glared at him.

“Don’t try telling me you’re fine. Is it about TJ?”


“Don’t play games with me. Are you moping around here this morning looking like death warmed over because you won’t just make a fucking move?”

“There are no moves to be made. I’m not interested in TJ.”

“You don’t really think you can lie to me like that, do you? I’m your twin, remember? We have a bond.”

I snorted. “The man doesn’t listen. He acts like he owns the place, and he thinks he can have whatever he wants. I can’t wait until we get rid of him.”

“I know you don’t want to like anyone who is connected to the kind of assholes our father worked for, but—”

“There are no buts. Even if I liked TJ, it wouldn’t matter. I’m not getting involved with a fucking mobster.”

“You don’t have to get involved with him, but the tension between you two is killing all of us. Just fuck him and get it over with.”

“That’s not going to work.”

“So you at least admit you want to?”

“The man is hot, but that doesn’t mean I have to jump into bed with him. Just because you…” I stopped. I was pissed off at TJ. Rogue didn’t deserve my anger.

“Just because I’m a slut doesn’t mean you have to be.”

I shook my head. “That’s not what—”

“It is, but I appreciate you not actually saying it. I like hooking up. There’s a hell of a lot worse shit I could have been doing on the circuit than fucking the hottest men and women who offered themselves up like prizes.”
