Page 37 of The Reaper

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Are you so sure about that?

I ignored that disturbing little voice in my head. I needed time to think. This wasn’t a decision I could make rashly. This mission had to be planned as thoroughly as I planned my kills. I always went in prepared. I always knew what would happen step by step, and I never failed.

The ranch had been working its damn magic, and I’d started to enjoy moving around in the fresh air. Maybe a walk would help me think. Chopping more wood or tearing something the fuck apart would be even better. Either way, I had to do something other than sitting and brooding about how much I resented my father and the position he’d put me in. I was going to enjoy killing Franco slowly and painfully.

I wandered farther from the house, not sure of my destination. Rhys was in the outdoor ring working with one of the horses he was training. Without meaning to, I found myself headed that way. There was a part of me that wanted to tell him everything: my suspicions about my cousin, my relationship with my father, the way my aunt had always looked out for me. Even if I thought he was lying about hating me, I knew he hated my family.

For weeks, I’d made a habit of watching him whenever I could. I enjoyed the way he moved and the way he balanced firmness and gentleness with the horses. There was also the bonus of it pissing him off. Usually, I teased and flirted with him, making it my mission to get him to order me to leave.

Today, I didn’t have the energy for that. I climbed up on the fence in the same place as usual, but all I did was watch. I compared the way he moved on a horse to how his body had moved under mine.

I wanted to feel that again. I wanted to try every kinky thing I could think of with him. I watched him intently until, finally, he turned around and glared at me. I didn’t say anything. I just kept watching him while in the back of my mind, I sorted through the tangled web of shit my family had gotten into.



Iwatched as Rhys dismounted, giving me an excellent view of his fine ass. Then he clipped a lead rope onto the horse’s bridle and headed toward the gate. When he was a few feet away, he gave me his full attention. “What’s wrong?”

I shifted my gaze to the mare. “Nothing.”

“Liar.” His sharp tone made the horse shift restlessly behind him.

“What makes you think something’s wrong?”

“You’ve been watching me for close to an hour, and you haven’t made a single lewd comment or insult. Something’s wrong.”

“Maybe I’m over you now.”

“Then why are you hanging out in the barn?”

I shrugged. “I like watching the horses.”

“There are horses out in the pasture.”

“Want me to help you bring them in?”

Rhys narrowed his eyes. “You hate horses and me, yet you’re offering to help? Now I know something is going on.”

“Why are you asking? Are you hoping to have something else to laugh about?”

He stroked the mare’s snout, and she calmed instantly. “I’m not as heartless as you think. You’re the fucking assassin.”

“Like you don’t have a high body count yourself. I hear you’re well known for your marksmanship.”

“I have fucking standards.”

I locked my hand around his arm. He tried to jerk away, but I held on too tightly. “I’ve told you before. You have no idea who I really am, what my life is like, or who I kill or don’t kill.”

“You kill who your father orders you to. That’s how it fucking works.”

“Is that how it worked for you?”

Color rose in his cheeks. “I wasn’t in the fucking mob.”

“Your father was. Are you telling me he didn’t ever ask for your help?”

“No, he asked Grant, and Grant did what he had to protect me and Rogue. And that’s all I’m going to say about it.”
