Page 40 of The Reaper

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“What the fuck are you doing sneaking around?”

TJ scowled. “I couldn’t sleep. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I wasn’t aware I had a curfew.”

“You know damn well—”

“I know I’m here because my father wants me away from home.”

“He wants you protected.” Pain flickered in his eyes, and it made my breath catch. There was something going on with TJ and his family that he wasn’t telling me.

“What the hell are you doing up and wandering around?” he asked.

“I can’t sleep either.”

“Really? I wonder why that is.”

He took a step closer to me.

I wasn’t drunk this time. I hadn’t even had a beer with dinner. I’d told myself that keeping my mind clear would stop me from doing something stupid like seeking TJ out for some more mind-numbing sex. It obviously hadn’t worked.

“Why can’t you sleep, Rhys? It can’t be Grant and Jacob this time. They’re at some hotel keeping the other guests up.”

“I’m not a good sleeper on the best night.”

TJ tilted his head to the side and studied me. “That I’m willing to believe.”

“I don’t give a fuck if you believe me or not.”

He leaned against the doorframe and slowly looked me up and down. “No, I suppose you don’t.”

“What does that mean?”

“Do you know why I couldn’t sleep?”

“I don’t need to.”

“Whenever I close my eyes, I remember last night. I remember you begging for more. I remember how good it felt to—”

I grabbed his shirt and yanked him into my room.

He kicked the door shut behind him with a smirk on his face. “I told you once wouldn’t be enough.”

“Shut the fuck up.”

TJ gripped the sides of my face and kissed me. The shock made me go loose in his arms. He took that as surrender, and he was right.

I’d kissed plenty of men, and none of them had even come close to making me feel like the world had faded away and I was floating in zero gravity with nothing to think about but pleasure.

We hadn’t kissed when we’d fucked in the tack room. At least if we had… No. I’d remember that. The whole night was seared into my mind, every touch, every fucking word he’d said to me. I remembered it all.

Last night, it was as if we’d made a silent agreement that kissing was too intimate for two people who hated each other and just needed to get out their frustrations. That was all it had been. That was all it was now. Just sex. Really fucking good sex.

But if that was true, why was TJ’s kiss so intoxicating? His tongue slid along mine, and I wanted everything. I wanted his hands on me. I wanted him to kiss me forever. I wanted him to take care of me.

I pushed at his chest, needing this to stop. I couldn’t risk falling for him.

He pulled back, but he laid his hands on my shoulders. I felt the heat of his skin burning through my thin t-shirt.

He lowered his gaze and let it linger on my cock, which was tenting my sleep shorts. “You seem very mixed up. You hate me, but you want me. You drag me in here, but now you’re pushing me away. I’m not leaving, though. You might be unsure, but I know what you want and what you need.”
