Page 72 of Bits and Pieces

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“First, the Jordans pulled their shit,” Ruin says rather than push back against Armor. “That’s handled. But Goose saw Chip Edwards riding around the Valley yesterday.”

The Pigsty goes still at the thought of the newly released top hitter for the Edwards family sniffing around our territory.

“They’ve stayed quiet on the south end of the state,” Ruin continues. “We’ve had eyes on them and knew Chip was out of prison. His brother, Tag, will be out soon. Maybe they were always going to take another swing at McMurdo Valley. Or they could be reacting to my domestication. Either way, we should assume they’re coming for us. If they hit us here, we take the fight down to them. I’m not looking to burn through the Valley to win this shit. Better to wreck their town.”

Chip and Tag Edwards must have been born under lucky fucking signs. They were headed for the usual bloody end of every Steel Berserkers’ enemy—hacked to death and left on display for their family’s benefit. Except when they ran from town with us hot on their tails, they ended up in the state over.

We assumed they were planning to hole up with their extended kin who ran a shithole town there. Feeling cocky from outrunning us, they went to a bar and busted up a few assholes who turned out to be off-duty cops.

Chip and Tag ended up in prison in a state where our reach didn’t extend. For a dozen years, they’ve lived safely. Now, they’re looking to reclaim their destiny as assholes to have their heads removed by the club.

“As you know,” Ruin continues, “Nomad found himself a woman.”

I roll my eyes when the room erupts in applause, complete with a few hoots and an “attaboy.” Ruin smirks at my annoyance. Once they shut up, he gets back to his point.

“Landry’s ex is thankfully dead. However, his family is not. They are a moronic pile of spare parts. Without a doubt, these people will cause trouble. If you see someone eyeballing you, assume they’re hostile. Either these Copper simps or the Edwards fucks. If it happens, don’t waste time wondering about the consequences. Just go berserk. I’ve got a bad feeling we’re in for a rough ride for the near future. So, watch your backs and stomp hard on any issues. Don’t be shy about making a show of it, either. Having the club ride up in force at every issue is better than letting these fuckers get any dangerous ideas.”

Armor waits until Ruin finishes before instantly jumping in with, “I’ve sent you pictures of all the Edwards fuckers we know of, so you’ll recognize their ugly mugs around town. We have a few pictures of the Coppers, too. Neither of these families should be in the Valley. If you see them, they’re here to start shit. Deal with it.”

Ruin remains on edge through lunch. I watch him move around the Pigsty. His golden boy vibe is gone. This is the man who lost his shit when Lil Danny killed Pigeon. Ruin didn’t even like the chick, but she was tiny and pregnant. His temper roared to life, ripping away his social constraints and leaving him a feral beast.

“What?” I ask when I see him prowling around on the back deck.

“Don’t you feel it?” When I look around and shake my head, he mutters, “You’ve got shit to lose now, Nomad. If our enemies come looking to end you, your woman and kids could become collateral damage.”

“Why are you trying to piss me off?”

“I’ve had to worry about that shit for twelve years with Joie. I always figured Wynonna and my dad could handle themselves. But now she’s got kids. Add Selene and Yazmin to my list of weaknesses, and I feel vulnerable. If that dread hasn’t hit you yet, it better now. The cops will be calling soon about the missing husband. His family’s stirring up shit. Psychos like Chip and Tag are running around.”

“Fuck that shit,” I mutter, waving off his worries. “Chip and Tag are older than us, man. We should just kill them and be done with it. The cops are on our payroll. They won’t cause issues. Kourtney will figure out a way to make the kid legally Landry’s. If I need to kill Copper shitheads, I’ll start with the grandpa and work my way down. Make half of Beehive Ridge orphans if need be.”

Ruin eyes me. “Just like that?”

“You’ve gotten soft.”


“Let’s stop waiting for the enemy to move on us and instead clean them all out. Then, we’ll enjoy a quiet summer. Our problems have simple fixes, but you’re making shit complicated.”

Ruin chuckles. “Maybe I have gone soft.”

“Like a fucking stuffed animal,” I grumble before shrugging at his scowl. “But inside, you’re still Ruin. If you let yourself off your leash, you’re more than capable of going berserk on anyone who threatens your people. You’ve been that way for as long as I’ve known you.”

My president exhales deeply, shaking off his worries. Ruin’s gotten in the habit of acting civilized. Being mayor means coddling old ladies sporting lapdogs and walkers.

Though I live in a swanky house with full-time help, I’m the same evil shithead I was back when I left men’s heads on their mamas’ porches. Nothing’s changed inside either of us. I just remember that fact while he fools himself.

With enemies at the gates, the Steel Berserkers need to go back to our roots and paint the Valley—hell, the whole fucking state—red to ensure our people stay safe.

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